It's the end of the world as we know it
Adventures in Babysitting
Dance History

TV show featuring underwater creatures including a sponge, squid, crab, starfish, etc. on Nickelodeon.

What is Spongebob Squarepants?


A widespread computer programming shortcut that was expected to cause extensive havoc as the year changed from 1999 to 2000. The change was expected to bring down computer systems infrastructures, such as those for banking and power plants.

What was Y2K?


A product used to help with diaper rash for babies

What is baby powder?


Places nitrogen back into the soil between crop planting.

What is crop rotation?


A community dance commonly known by all with instructional lyrics such as "one hop this time"

What is the Cha Cha slide?


It is the first animated feature film produced in the United States

What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves?


Will drastically change the solar system in about 5 billion years when it runs out of hydrogen.

What is the sun?


The body part(s) that can be used to test the temperature of bath water for infants/toddlers.

What is the wrist or elbow?


The type of cow most famous for giving milk.

What is a Holstein cow? 


A genre of dance music and a subculture that emerged in the 1970s from the United States' urban nightlife scene. Its sound is typified by four-on-the-floor beats, syncopated basslines, string sections, brass and horns, electric piano, synthesizers, and electric rhythm guitars.

What is Disco?


The first feature-length film fully modeled and created with the help of 3D technology.


What is Toy Story?


The discovery of this in the 1980s promoted successful international cooperation to phase out the use of harmful chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

What is a hole in the ozone layer? 


Stirring the food with a spoon and then putting the back of the spoon on the inside of your wrist.

What is testing food temperature for children?


Needed in order for chickens to start laying eggs.

What is a rooster?


This song by Los Del Rio features sequential arm movements became popular in the 1990's

What is the Macarena?


Two wealthiest animators in the world.

Who is Trey Parker and Matt Stone?


This national park is home to a super-volcano that last erupted about 640,000 years ago, and has the potential to eliminate most of the U.S should a massive eruption happen again. 

What is Yellowstone National Park?


Rest your arm on your leg. With the heel of your other hand, give the child five forceful and rapid blows between his/her shoulder blades. Give 5 chest thrusts. If the object does not dislodge, turn the infant face upward and resting on your thigh.

What is the Heimlich maneuver for babies?


A type of insect notorious for carrying Lyme disease.

What is a tic?


A style of dance rooted in African step, involving metal plates on the balls and heels of the shoe?

What is tap dancing?


The process which was used most famously on Andy Serkis for his role as Gollum in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies. Sensors and reference points are placed on an actor's body. Their movements are then imported into animation software where character details can be mapped onto them.

What is Motion-Capture Technology?


During the Cold War, these were designed to protect people from radioactive dirt and debris that can fall out of the air following a nuclear detonation

What is a fallout shelter?


A child can begin to eat solid foods after this age.

What is 6 months old?


Lionhead, Mini Lop, Angora, Flemish Giant, etc.

What are breeds of rabbits?


Historically rooted in racism, this kind of promenade was originally performed by slaves dressed up as white people for slave owners entertainment. 

What is the Cakewalk?