Battle Royal: 3 lives; last one standing wins
The last one standing
Shark Tank:
1_Come up with a problem
2_Draw a product that can fix the problem
3_Present your product
Best product wins
What is the name of this map?
What sport is this guy known for?
Russian slapping
What is the name of the show?
Bonus: Name the characters
Teen Titans
Bonus: Cyborg, Robin, Beast Boy, Starfire and Raven
Word Censor:
Assign a word to someone and if they say that word at any giving time during the game, either you win points or they lose points.
Rules: Cannot assign a name, a category name and a number
To be continued...
Dub over this scene in a comedic way:
Best reenactment wins
How many skin colours are there in among us?
What is the name of this show?
Looney Tunes
Battle Royal: 3 lives; last one standing wins
Last one standing wins
Rap battle 2v2:
Rules: 8 bars (4 per person), HAS TO RHYME
Topic: You just got a dub in Fortnite
Best bars wins
What type is this Pokémon?
Shuckle: Bug & Rock
What is the lyric that inspired this image?
"I will turn a (*****) into a convertible"
What is the name of this character?
Darth Vegan
Caption This
Best caption wins
Memory Game:
1-2 min to remember the image then answer questions about the image.
Most points wins
What show is this?
Bob's Burger
Family feud (6 options):
Name a place where you might have to wait in line
3 guesses, highest points wins
(1)Grocery Store - 30 (2)Concerts - 21 (3)Bank - 17 (4)Amusement Park - 12 (5)Movie Theater - 11 (6)Restaurant - 9
Guess the song
-First buzz first serve
-If you buzz within 15 secs of the song and get it wrong, you lose points
Most points wins
Logo guesser:
"... a lonely child is what you're gonna be when I sell you"
This show focuses on catching people steal goods/products from a store
Caught Red handed