This movie character attempted to steal the Moon with his army of yellow helpers.
Who is Gru?
This handheld Mexican food consists of a small, hard or soft tortilla shell filled with meat and vegetables.
What is a taco?
The linden tree (lípa) is the national tree of this country.
What is the Czech Republic?
This Italian painter and inventor is best known for painting the Mona Lisa.
Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
This country was the first to land people on the Moon.
What is the United States?
This fairytale character obtained her clothes from an acorn.
Who is Cinderella (Popelka)?
Though popular in Czech cuisine, goulash originally comes from this country.
What is Hungary?
These plants with lots of spikes or thorns are good at retaining water and usually grow in desert climates.
What is a cactus?
This famous statue in the center of Prague depicts this historical person.
Who is Saint Wenceslaus?
The first man and dog in space were both from this country.
What is the Soviet Union?
This wizard who studied at Hogwarts is known as "the boy who lived."
Who is Harry Potter?
This popular food from Japan is made of raw fish and rice wrapped in seaweed.
What is sushi?
This leaf can be found on Canada's flag.
What is the maple leaf?
This Czech painter/illustrator was known for his specific style of character drawings in books and films.
Who is Josef Lada?
Before the invention of airplanes, people were able to "fly" or float in the air using this technology.
What is a hot air balloon?
This villain wears all black, has a cape, but is most recognisable for his distinctive helmet and type of sword.
Who is Darth Vader?
The legs of this amphibian are sometimes eaten in French cuisine.
What is a frog?
This flower "follows" the sun throughout the day.
What is a sunflower?
The David is the work of this Italian renaissance sculptor.
Who is Michelangelo?
The first man who walked on the Moon famously said, "One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."
Who is Neil Armstrong?
This armored hero who flies was the first with his own movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Who is Iron Man?
Potatoes and tomatoes originally come from this part of the world.
What are the Americas?
These flowers are known for their thorns and are often used as a symbol of love.
This Czech painter was known for his art nouveau advertisements and "Slav Epic".
Who is Alfons Mucha?
This private American company currently sends rockets to the International Space Station that are capable of landing back on their launchpads.
What is SpaceX?