It's hard to find a deck that doesn't include this card. Activate it on the End Phase so they can't chain to it.
Mystical Space Typhoon
A monster that can float into a copy of itself, or any other member of it's Type, with 1500 or less ATK/A Regal bug that cannot attack unless you tribute a monster, which she can produce herself
Howling Insect/Insect Queen
With the head of human and the body of a lion, you must kill this Set monster before it's Flip Summoned
Guardian Sphinx
Big, angry bungus that will die if horizontal
Berserk Gorilla
My favourite card. Clear the field, activate ROTA, normal summon
Don Zaloog
Very versatile. Capable of blocking attacks and interrupting plays. A pretty good read, I imagine.
Book of Moon
If Normal Summoned, he can bring up to 4 of his little buddies with him from the Hand/If Normal Summoned, he can retrieve his Yellow buddy from the Deck
Ojama Red/Red Gadget
It might be in YOUR deck, or YOU might control it right now, but it's OUR monster.
A very Gez Trap card, probably the card he's used most in every deck, if it's not banned. Chainable in the right circumstances, destroys and burns.
Ring of Destruction
Requires a hefty cost to summon, but the higher the level of those cards, the stronger I'll be
Montage Dragon
A worse Rush Recklessly but with added Effect Veiler
Forbidden Chalice
A tribute summoned monster that stops all special summoning/An early Fusion monster that negates Flip Effects and Trap's that target it
Vanity's Fiend/Fiend Skull Dragon
When flipped, return any card to your opponent's hand and I also give a slight boost to my fellow Aquatic creatures
Nightmare Penguin
I've seen this monster be treated as Dark Magician more times than actual Dark Magician
Elemental Hero Prisma
This Monster Type is very life point-based with their effects, and a strong affinity to the colour green
Cannot be responded to AND can also use your opponent's monsters? Ban it. I never want to see it again.
Super Polymerization
A Continuous Trap that, if called correctly, will ruin your opponent's attacks/A Level 1 monster capable of summoning 2 Normal Monsters from the Deck if it's destroyed
Fairy Box/Box of Friends
The Level 4 Vanilla beater of the "out of this world" Archetype
Alien Shocktrooper
It's basically Monster Reborn from your opponent's GY, but with a steep cost
Autonomous Action Unit
A 1900 beater that upon defeating an opponent will bring out another blazing creature with 200 or less DEF
Flamvell Firedog
It's just Soul Exchange but better
The Monarchs Stormforth
A Continuous Draw Spell that you might want to destroy before it gets to your turn and you have to discard cards/A Continuous Trap that will lock down an opponents monster and also do burn damage
Mirage of Nightmare/Nightmare Wheel
Would be a shame if you were playing a Deck full of Light Monsters against this Archtype
Ally of Justice
Unlike it's Revealing counterpart, this card is actually a Continuous Spell
Swords of Concealing Light
If anyone remembers this, I'll be shocked. It's Book of Moon, in trap-form, for Warriors and Spellcasters. I know you know it, you can even picture the little guy hiding behind his shield on the artwork
Ready for Intercepting