In 2015 this star of "Identity Thief" & "Spy" launched her own clothing line, which runs from size 4 to size 28
Melissa McCarthy
In 1961 this country's Tutsi monarchy was overthrown in a Hutu revolution
The Hindu god Shiva is often shown bearing one of these 3-pointed spears
a trident
To consider evidence carefully in the mind, or to put it on a scale
Ithaca, N.Y. claims to be the home of the first one of these ice cream treats; it included cherry syrup with a cherry on top
a sundae
Her 21 singles Grand Slam titles include six wins at Wimbledon
Serena Williams
Its nearest neighbor is Greenland, about 200 miles to the northwest
Roman soldiers relied on the pilum, a 7-foot-long one of these, now used in the Olympics
a javelin
To decide by reasoning; it can also mean to finish
This person is skilled in giving facials, manicures, pedicures & other beauty treatments
an aesthetician
The single name of this "Titanium" singer is somewhat ironic as we actually only see her wigs
Schellenberg & Vaduz were united to form this tiny country
The halberd was a weapon used in the late Middle Ages that combined a spear with this for cleaving helmets
an ax
To memorize something exactly is to learn it "by heart" or "by" this, meaning as a result of repeated study
This word for a Scottish highlander is spelled like actor Garcia Bernal's first name
Jessica Simpson still owns the red cowboy boots she wore bringing this TV character to the big screen
Daisy Duke
The wildebeest migration is a thrilling sight in this country's Maasai Mara National Reserve
British lancers were killed charging up the "Valley of Death" in this battle of the Crimean War
the Battle of Balaclava
To join different ideas together into a coherent whole; chemists do it to create new compounds
to synthesize
The name of this mythological labyrinth builder means "skillfully wrought"
In 2014, he got an honorary degree from Northeastern as his daughter graduated
LL Cool J
The main island of this Persian Gulf archipelago nation has many fresh springs for drinking & irrigation
Around 350 B.C. this father of Alexander the Great introduced the sarissa, a spear up to 21 feet long
Philip (of Macedon)
Also a way to collect information, it means to gather bits of grain left by reapers
According to the theory of plate tectonics, this supercontinent later broke into Gondwana & Laurasia