Classic Literature
Classic Movies
On the Border

This phenomena keeps the planets in orbit around the sun.

What is Gravity?

Fun Fact: The gravitational pull from the Moon is what causes our oceans to have tides.


Don Quixote was written in this language.

What is Spanish?


This was the first feature-length animated movie ever released.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


This is what we call the first note of a scale.

What is tonic?

A common chord used in music is a 5th, which has a tonic note and a dominant note, which is a note that is 5 scale degrees above the tonic note. For example of the tonic note is B, the dominant note would be F.


Name a State that borders Louisiana.

What is Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas?


Water is made of these two elements?

What is Hydrogen and Oxygen?

One molecule of water contains two hydrogen atoms that are bound to a relatively larger Oxygen atom. If there is only one hydrogen bound to an oxygen atom, that would be hydrogen peroxide which is used as a disinfectant.


Mark Twain’s characters Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn live in this state.

What is Missouri?


This American writer/director starred in several iconic European-produced “Spaghetti Westerns“.

Who is Clint Eastwood?


This is a scale that is made up of 12 semi-tones, also known as half steps.

What is a chromatic scale?

Half steps on a piano are adjacent piano keys. An example is A, A#, B, C, C#, D,D#, E, F, F#, G, and G#.


Name a Country that borders Guyana.

What is Brazil, Venezuela, and Suriname?


This is the quality of an object that allows it to float on water.



This popular Disney movie, with Julie Andrews as the “practically perfect” nanny, was originally a novel written by P. L. Travers.

What is Mary Poppins?


The head of this animal is front-and-center in an infamous scene from The Godfather?

What is a horse?


Piano belongs to this family of instrument.

What is percussion?

Although piano's contain strings, there are little hammers that pluck the strings when the keys are pressed, so it is considered a percussion instrument.


Name a country that borders Germany.

What is Holland (the Netherlands), Denmark, France, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic (formerly known as Czechoslovakia before WWI), or Poland?

Of these countries, Germany invaded and occupied Poland, France, the Netherlands, and Denmark during WWII as well as others such as Belgium and Austria.


This part of the brain deals with hearing and language.

What is the temporal lobe?

The temporal lobes are located on either side of your head, whereas the occipital lobe responsible for sight is located in the back of your head. The frontal lobe is responsible for decision making and personality, and is not fully developed until a person is well into their 20's.


These were the four sisters in Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women.

Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy.


This is the name of Quint’s shark-hunting boat in Jaws.

What is "The Orca"?


This is the register you use when you sing with a high head voice beyond the vocal range.

What is falsetto?

Many professional singers have mastered the use of falsetto, and can sometimes even sing higher pitches, known as "whistle tones".


Name a country that borders Egypt.

What is Libya and Sudan?


A spider monkey’s tail can carry its weight and hold on to branches. This type of tail – which can hold on to objects and support the weight of the animal to which it belongs – are called what type of tail?

Prehensile tail


This Latin phrase means “great work” and refers to the largest and best achievement of an author.

What is "Magnum Opus"?


This is the name of Charlie Chaplin’s most famous, recurring character?

Who is “The Tramp”?


Franz Schubert, composer of the "Ave Maria" was a composer in the "Romantic Era" of Classical Music. Name another Era of Classical Music.

What is the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, or Classical Eras?

This is a list of all the eras and what time period they cover:

  • Medieval (c. 1150 - c. 1400)
  • Renaissance (c. 1400 - c. 1600)
  • Baroque (c. 1600 - c. 1750)
  • Classical (c. 1750 - c. 1830)
  • Early Romantic (c. 1830 - c. 1860)
  • Late Romantic (c. 1860 - c. 1920)
  • Post 'Great War' Years (c. 1920 - Present)

Name a country that borders Vietnam.

What is Laos, Cambodia, and China?

Chinese aide for Vietnamese nationalists contributed to the United States decided to withdraw their troops from the country. The Chinese also had a stalemate with the United States over the border between North and South Korea during the Korean War.