Expected behaviors
Unexpected behaviors
Body language
When interacting with most people, do we want them to have positive, negative, or neutral thoughts about us?
Why do we usually not use unexpected behaviors?
Because when we use expected behaviors, it makes others feel safe and comfortable around us. Unexpected behaviors cause surprise, anger, sadness, and discomfort.
Name two body language clues that someone is interested in what you're saying.
Possible answers: Leaning forward, smiling, eye contact, sounds of agreement, hand on chin
Name three possible places to meet friends.
Possible answers: classes, clubs, online, work, through other friends
What are two ways that you can repair a miscommunication?
Possible answers: repeat, say it a different way, use different body language
Name one expected way to begin a communication interaction. (10 Bonus points for each extra answer up to 50 points.)
Possible answers: 

Say hello, smile, ask a question, shake hands, wave, make eye contact

What is an unexpected way to end a conversation.
Ask a question, get up and leave, tell someone you don't like them anymore.
Name two body language clues that someone is not interested in what you're saying.
Possible answers: Looking away, looking at phone or watch, leaning back, shoulders angled away from speaker
Is it expected for friendships to stay at one level?
No, some friendships get closer, and some grow apart as people change
When you think with your eyes about another person, what are you really thinking about?
Where their eyes are looking, so that you can figure out what they might be thinking about.
Name one expected way to begin a conversation with someone who looks upset (sad or mad).
Possible answers:

Ask, "What's wrong?"

Say, "You look upset."

Ask, "Can I help you with something?"

Ask, "Is everything OK?"

What kind of thoughts do we usually give someone when we use unexpected behaviors?
Usually negative.
Describe or draw a face that is confused.
Eyebrows: up, or one up and one down

Head: angled to the side

Mouth: twisted, lips together

Eyes: squinting

Describe an on-again-off-again friendship.
This is a friendship that probably lasts many years, and at some points in your life is very close, but at other times is not close. The closeness depends on things like how much time each of you have and how close you live to each other.
In the STOP and Read the Room strategy, "S" stands for "Space." What do the other letters stand for?



Tell one expected way to end a conversation. (10 bonus points for each extra answer, up to 50 points.)
Possible answers:

Say you have to go, say you'll see them later, look at your watch

What would be an unexpected comment to make when someone is telling us about a problem they have?
Possible answers:

"That doesn't sound that bad," "You complain too much," or "Just get over it."

You walk in a room and two people are talking. They have their heads close together and voices low. When you walk in, they stop talking and look at you with wide eyes. What could they be feeling?
Possible answers: stressed, secretive
What are some clues someone might give you that he or she is interested in pursuing a friendship with you?
Possible answers: They invite you to go places/do things; they usually answer your calls/texts; they smile when they see you; when you invite them, they usually accept right away
Paula Price came to talk to us about jobs and careers. What agency does she work for?
The Texas Workforce Commission
What is an expected way to check for a misunderstanding?
Ask if they heard you, ask if they need something to be repeated
Give one reason you would use an unexpected behavior on purpose.
To surprise someone, to get someone's attention, to let people know there's an emergency, to make someone mad
When you see your friend, she has her arms crossed and lips pressed together. Her cheeks are pink and she breathes out a deep breath. What are some possible ways she's feeling?
Possible answers: stressed, tense, annoyed, angry
What are some signs that someone is not interested in pursuing a friendship with you?
Possible answers: They avoid your calls/texts; they look away when you talk; they don't commit right away when you invite them to things; they don't invite you to things; they always seem busy
Give two examples of how to change the subject during conversation.
Possible answers:

Using a bridge statement like: "Oh, that reminds me ..."

Using a comment to bridge: When talking about coffee, you say, "I like coffee, but I love coffee ice cream." Then continue talking about ice cream.