The control center of the Cell Organelle
What is the Nucleus
Hot and dry climate usually containing animals of reptiles
What is Desert
Clear gel-like substance that occupies the space behind the lens
What is Vitreous Humor
The Tympanic Membrane also called
What is Ear Drum
Organ system that provides structure and helps with movement of the body
What is The Skeletal System
Make protein for the cell
What are Ribosomes
Has 4 distinct seasons + has trees that drop their leaves in the fall
What is Deciduous Forest
To maintain intraocular pressure
What is Aqueous Humor
To transmit sound from the pinna to the eardrum
What is Auditory Canal
Sends messages and controls all body actions
What is The Nervous System
Contain digestive enzymes to clean up the cell
What are Lysosomes
Doesn't have enough moisture for trees, but enough for small plants
What is Grasslands
The colored part of the eye
What is Iris
To clean and lubricate the inside of the ear
What is Was Glands
The Lungs are part of what system
What is The Respiratory System
Green substances that converts sunlight to energy
What is Chloroplast
Climate is colder than a deciduous forest and has mainly pine trees
What is Coniferous Forest
Transfer information from the retina to the vision centers of the brain
What is Optic Nerve
Transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the incus
What is Hammer (Malleus)
Blood is part of what system
What is The Circulatory System
Changes food and water into usable energy for the cell
What is Mitochondrion
Very cold and very dry area usually containing polar bears
What is Tundra
What is Choroid
Acts like a kind of funnel which assists in directing the sound further into the ear
To bring oxygen into the body and to get rid of carbon dioxide
What is The Respiratory System