This code is used when a delivery is late.
Check status > Late Delivery
Mention the correct greeting for a “Yelp/Groupon/Eat24/Topingo" order
“Thanks for calling _____, now powered by Grubhub
When the diners order is Blocked and he or she wants to know why which are the two fields that need to be filled on the macro.
Diner would like to know why their order(s) is/are blocked.
Diner Email:
Order Number:
When you get an updated ETA and the order will be late, the next step would be:
Use the Check Status tool to update the delivery time and check eligibility for concession.
Which are the hours of operation for CXT?
This is used when a diner calls in to confirm when their order will be delivered. As well it applies when the driver calls to update the ETA.
Check Status > Delivery Estimate Confirmation
Mention 3 requirements that are included on the greeting.
Customer Care greeting requirements:
Fill in the blanks for this Unknown charge template.
First ___ digits of the card:
Last ___ digits of the card:
If the driver agrees to go to the new address, we can only provide the new address verbally. We cannot text/email the driver the new address. True or False?
Mention at least 3 steps to De - escalate a call.
• Listen
• Remain calm
• Repeat the problem to show you understand it
• Acknowledge the problem/inconvenience with empathy
• Explain how you can help, providing options when available
• Follow through with the resolution
This code is used when a rest or diner contacts us to confirm something on the order (above contact reasons) but nothing needed to be changed. "Is my apartment number on there?"
Order Information > Order Details Confirmation
Which of these 3 statements is the best greeting:
1: “Thank you for calling, how can I help you?”
2: “How can I help you”?
3: "Thanks for calling (Brand). My name is (name). How can I help you?"
#3 * If it is a Yelp/Groupon/Eat24
add "Now powered by Grubhub"
What should you say if your customer states that he does not feel comfortable giving you his credit card information.
Open Answer
If a GHD is late and the diner is calling to know the status of the order. Which are the first two steps that you have to follow?
Check the order in the Compass
Has the order been assigned a Driver?
YES-Look up status on Map in Compass. If the map doesn't provide enough information, please call the Driver for an ETA. Also, for JIT (Just in Time) restaurants, check to see if the status says "Food being prepared." If so, please let the diner know that the food is being prepared and provide an ETA.
NO- If the order is running late or within 5 minutes of running late, reach out to Driver Care in Slack for information on the status.
If the order is still within the ETA, please let the customer know that the order is scheduled to arrive within the estimated delivery time.
Mention 3 situations that need to be escalated to CXT.
• Buzzwords
• Diner asking to speak to a manager
• Gift Card troubleshooting
• Refund not showing after 5 business days
• Compromised account claims
• Unknown charges on credit card
• Serious complaint about Grubhub Delivery driver
• Bank request to confirm charge information
• Customer said he/she will call the police
This is used when a restaurant is wanting to know when a GHD driver is going to pick up an order from the restaurant to deliver to a diner.
Check Status > Restaurant Request / Driver ETA
Which of these 3 statements is the correct greeting for Taco Bell orders:
1: “Thank you for calling, Taco Bell how can I help you?”
2: “This is Taco Bell, can I take your order”?
3: "Thanks for calling (Brand). My name is (name). How can I help you?"
#3 * If it is a Yelp/Groupon/Eat24
add "Now powered by Grubhub"
Which is the path for the macro that generates a note template?
Ticket Template > Phone Notes Template
Delivery Partners are not contractually obligated to go to an address that is not on the original order.
If a Delivery Partner does not want to travel to the updated address for the order, please notify Driver care via Slack using the @dcare handle and transfer the ticket using the Transfer to Driver Payment macro so that the Delivery Partner can be compensated appropriately. Note in the ticket the old address and the new address before transferring.
If the Delivery Partner is willing to drive to the updated address, please refund the order on Grubhub and advise the diner to place the order again with the correct address.
True or False?
Mention 3 situations that should not be transferred to CXT.
• Restaurant/Driver requests to speak to a manager
• Diner request to be removed from promotional mailing list
• Blocked Order questions
• Password change requests
• Diner is not asking for a manager but you don’t know the answer
• Diner asking confirming a charge
• Diner doesn’t see refund less than 5 days
This code is used when the driver forgot to mark an order as arrived or delivered.
Driver Inquiry > Driver forgot to Mark "Arrived/Delivered"
Mention 3 things that the Closing should include.
-A definitive farewell
-Asking if further needs are required
-Offer the Survey
Mention the definition of a Macro.
The macro function in Compass makes your job easier. Using the macro will add the questions that need answers on the internal note, it will change the assignee if the ticket is being re-assigned. Use the macro whenever transferring a call or ticket to the Customer Experience Team.
What are the steps to follow when the Restaurant is calling to cancel the order because the diner is out of the delivery area.
Text diner the update and refund the delivery fee (if applicable). Close and Disposition the ticket
Diner calls in saying that the driver was rude. You also find out that he drove his car over the front lawn of the diner. The diner states she has pictures & video footage. She wants Grubhub to pay for the damages. The diner states she is about to post the video on our Facebook page and has already contacted her local newspaper. Would you Escalate?
Yes we should escalate this to CXT.