Famous Ann(e)s
Begins with K
History of Sock Monkeys

The equatorial distance in miles of the Earth.

The thing I'm going to miss most is your smiling face. You were always available to help in any situation. Your dedication to JHS, before and especially after the fire, can't be measured. The work you did in planning and during the construction of our new building was remarkable. Thank you for all you've done.

You will be missed but I wish you and Tom much happiness and hope you get to visit those grand kids a lot! - Debbie S.


She was nominated for an Oscar for her role in The Whales of August.

Can I have your label maker? - Savanna


This is a 15th century word that means "to mew like a cat."

One day I got an anonymous tip over the phone that there were sketchy people downtown asking for donations on behalf of us. Ann and I jumped in her car as if we were private investigators! I will miss my fellow PI!


It was in this year that the iconic sock monkeys made from red-heeled socks - known today as the Rockford Red Heel - first appeared.

Favorite Ann quotes, part 1:

“It’s easy ‘til it isn’t.”


This was the first person to reach 20 million Twitter followers.

My memory is when we had our musical days. We would pick a musical and sing songs from it all day. - Heather W.


The fraction of your weight you would weigh if you stood on the Moon.

It is hard to believe you are leaving JHS, but our frequent chats will be with me forever. Congratulations! I wish you and Tom tons of happiness after your retirement. JHS and I will miss you. Do not forget: while Tom is helping at the food bank, there is always a volunteer opening as an Adoptions Greeter. - Kristy


This Ann(e) was married to Henry VIII for barely half a year.

I haven't worked with Ann as long as many of you but my best experience with Ann is actually every day. She has the best smile and the best joyful laugh that it makes every day coming to work such a joy. 

One random memory was homecoming weekend. We were looking for crowns for the homecoming court and she said she had one but she has to have it back because it's her crown! - Yaira


A name for a secluded corner.

I started at JHS in 2015, back when admin was in the little yellow house. It was a “fun” building full of “quirks” and a copy machine designed by Satan himself. Sometimes, I would hit “print” but the paper would never appear. Little did I know, my computer was set to print to Ann’s printer, which was labeled “Brother Ann” in the system. Fast-forward to three years of me calling her “Brother Ann”. She’s even saved in my phone as “Brother Ann”. I will never have another brother like Ann! – Sister Lindsay


This company was granted the patent for the sock monkey in 1955.

Although I knew Ann from volunteering in Admin, it was not until 2015 when I had interviewed for a position at JHS that I realized the amazing positive impact she would have on me. Even though I did not get the first position I applied for, when Ann called me to notify me they filled the position with another candidate she said “Suzy, don’t give up!” To this day I remember that conversation vividly. She is a big part of why I reapplied for a different position a few months later (and obviously was hired)


This city’s latitude and longitude coordinates are 42.676996, −91.915745.

When I think of Ann, I think about how she always takes the time to say hello and ask how I am when she passes by. It may seem like something small but I just think it’s so sweet that she always takes the time to ask.


The Milky Way galaxy is comprised 74% of this type of atom.

When I met Ann on my first official day at JHS I learned that she used to operate a golf course in Virginia with her husband. I played golf for a long time and worked at a golf shop fitting clubs for a few years, and always dreamed about owning/running my own course some day. So Ann had worked in golf and with cats/dogs, two of my biggest passions and I met her on the morning of my first day. It was a great start to my time at JHS. 

She is like a hero. - Adam


This former British politician was first elected to the House of Commons in the 1987 general election as a member for the constituency of Maidstone.

We are so grateful for Ann’s help this summer during kitten season, she always has a positive attitude and was eager to help us empty our kennels by fostering what she claims to be “The CUTEST kitten at JHS”. We loved watching that fuzz-ball Mandarin grow from a tiny 1lb to a chunky 2 lbs over the course of a few weeks.


The leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea.

I appreciate when Ann showed the upmost support when I found out a dog I tried to save did not make it after being hit by a car. She was so concerned and sincerely sympathetic to my feelings! She simply overheard the conversation and turned around to get more information and to see if I was ok.


This midwestern city is considered "the birthplace of the sock monkey."

In the new building, I specifically love the group rooms, and I extra love the catios! I still get excited when I show them to people.


The number of women who have won Survivor since the show premiered in 2000.

Ann coming in to ask me to change the music station to something she enjoys even if Nikki doesn’t (haha). At one point I changed the station for Ann only to get a visit from Nikki 5 minutes later asking why the station changed. Can’t win them all!


This is the name of the force that is perpendicular to the surface with which an object is in contact.

Lexi's favorite Ann memory: Her face every time I bring her incident reports.

Also, she did once compliment me that I reduced the number of incident reports and then she jinx me because we had a bunch of bites right afterward.


She published the first written recipe for ice cream.

Favorite Ann quotes, part 2:

“My office is cold.”


100 of these equals 1 naira in Nigeria.

When I first met Ann in 2015, I was a French teacher who wanted to change careers and pursue my passion. Because of Ann, my dream became a reality and my life was forever altered in the best way possible. And for that I will always be grateful. - Savanna


The height of the world’s largest sock monkey.

Ann always tried to answer my truly random and complicated HR questions. Most of the time not knowing the answer herself and having to investigate it for me. I’m sure she loved me coming to her door saying “Another fun question for you…”


Iowa's state rock.

My silly memory is: Every morning Ann comes in to say good morning, and I'm always eating or drinking, so I can't reply. She said, "You'll be glad when I'm gone so I don't do that anymore!" - Debbie K.


The direction and velocity two objects move, when a 5kg object is moving at 5m/s East and collides with a 10kg object moving 7m/s.

As I am sitting at my desk, doing battle in the exciting arena of….accounting, I have found that hearing Ann’s jovial burst of laughter from around the office brings a little joy to my day. Ann always seems finds humor and joy in just about everything. Whether you are chatting with her about the weekend or commiserating about accounting issues, you can’t help but feel better about life after talking with Ann!

Thank you, Ann, for bringing joy to JHS and making our world a better place. - Tracey


She is most known for her work The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy.

One of the funniest memories of Ann was when I was in Admin and she got a call that there was a naked man in the Thrift Store changing rooms with the door open and he wouldn’t close the door or put any clothes on! I asked if I could go with her to see how she handled it and we rode down there in the golf cart. I can’t remember exactly how she said she handled it, but she got him to get dressed and leave!


Another name for sockeye salmon.

I am forever grateful for the evolution of the foster office. I remember being in kennel staff and constantly cleaning out the 6 kennels that were shoved into the tiny foster office at the time. Slowly we moved into larger rooms and eventually got to this beautiful building. From my start at JHS over 3 years ago, I was in awe at what the new building was going to soon be, and Ann’s spirit kept all of us enthused as we worked hard to get into the new building. It is always a pleasure looking out of our foster window to see Ann’s bright and smiling face giving a tour of the facility.


Visitors to the Sock Monkey Madness Festival can bring injured sock monkeys to this crafty clinic.

How friggin' hard is it, Ann, to get a drawing of a building!?


This celebrity is now the star of a highly popular TV series.

Ann, I'd like to take this moment to thank you for the many valuable life skills you've taught me, such as:

How to drive a golf cart

The art of duct taping

The art of moving seven offices not once, but twice

Perseverance - watching you succeed while working next to a bathroom for years made me realize I can do anything I set my mind to

How to make a certain high-end grocery store whose name rhymes with Bowl Dudes give you what you want while not violating the 3 Guides to Decision Making

How to remain calm when you’re about to be engulfed in flames at a fundraising event

- Savanna