Holiday associated with Candy Canes
What is Christmas?
Has large letter "M" in logo
what is McDonald's?
Spanish word for "one" shouted before winning play
what is UNO?
In soccer, what body part can’t touch the ball?
What are hands?
what sign is a red octagon?
what is a stop sign?
Candy name also used to describe smart kids
what are Nerds?
Named after burgers and the husband of a queen
Burger King
prevent the blocks from stacking up to the top of the screen for as long as possible
what is Tetris?
What color are the goalposts in football?
what is yellow?
Sign signaling opposites of alive and begin
what is a dead end?
"Taste the Rainbow"
what are Skittles?
what is KFC an abbreviation of?
what is Kentucky Fried Chicken?
Real estate board game
what is Monopoly?
It is okay to speed up at yellow light to get across
True or False?
Dollar figure is the name of this Nestle chocolate bar
what is Hundred Grand?
The McDonald's Mascot
what is a clown?
what is GTA abbreviated from?
what is Grand Theft Auto?
In motor racing, what color is the flag they wave to indicate the winner?
what is Checkered (white and black)?
what does this sign mean?
what is slippery when wet?
Name British use to refer to candy
what are Sweets?
Named after a man who gained superhuman strength after eating Spinach
what is Popeyes?
Popular game with main character named STEVE
what is Minecraft?
who won the FIFA 2022 World Cup?
what is Argentina?
Drivers must yield to other motorists or pedestrians in order to avoid an accident. true or false?