When was the War of 1812?
When is 1812?
What will Scooby do for a Scooby-Snack?
What is anything?
When was "Jeopardy" created?
When is March 3, 1964?
Where did hotdogs originate?
What is Germany?
What is the saxophone made out of?
What is brass?
What years did the Philippine American War last through?
When is 1899-1902?
What is the cartoon that stars aardvarks?
What is "Arthur"?
What was the first category and amount chosen by a contestant?
What is Animals 100?
Where did noodles come from?
What is China?
Does only one instrument have a double-reed?
When did the Titanic sink?
When is April 14-15, 1912?
When was the cartoon, "Max and Ruby" created?
When is May 3, 2002?
Who created "Jeopardy"?
Where was the first McDonald's built?
What is San Bernardino, California?
What is the violin?
When did the English holiday, "Plough Monday" take place?
When is the first Monday after January 6th?
What channel is "Tom and Jerry" on?
What is "Boomerang"?
What is 34 seasons?
When were raisins created?
What is 2000 BC?
How many keys does a modern piano have?
What is 88?
Who was the first president of Venezuela?
Who is Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías?
What is the oldest cartoon still around?
What is "Fantasmagorie"?
How many episodes of "Jeopardy" are there?
What is 7,000 episodes?
What was a food that the Roosevelts liked a lot and ate often?
What are doughnuts?
What was the first instrument made?
What is the Birdbone Flute?