A verb meaning "to walk in water" is in this alternate name for a fisherman's rubber hip boots
Based on a comment by the czar, this declining empire begun by Turkish tribes was known as "The Sick Man of Europe"
The Ottoman Empire
You can do this to your dog or your "enthusiasm"
Federal funding covers only about 2/3 of the Smithsonian's expenses, so to ready Neil Armstrong's space suit for Apollo 11's 50th anniversary, the Air and Space Museum raised more than $500,000 via a "Reboot the Suit" campaign on this community funding website
Novelist Henry & playwright Arthur, both Brooklyn boys
Chukka boots are said to get their name from a period in this sport
She wrote a letter to Napoleon asking if she could join him at Elba but she died in 1814 before hearing that just couldn't happen
To fire from a job, or to attempt to kill Sarah Connor, onscreen
Kenneth Lerer helped found this website to provide a liberal counterpart to the Drudge Report
The Huffington Post
Journalist Tom & novelist Thomas, both southern boys
Chelsea boots are also called this music group's boots since they popularized them in the 1960s
The Beatles
Mocked by other docs, Ignaz Semmelweis used antisepsis to vastly reduce women's death rate during this event
To refuse to proceed, or a pitcher's faux pas
wordpress.com says, "Everyone has a point of view" & their site is "the world's greatest" tool to create these online journals
Jackie, Suzanne, Wilkie
Familial name for the women's lace-up boots in imitation of a 19th-century style
Granny boots
This translation of certain plates was published in 1830; a much, much different version came to Broadway in 2011
The Book of Mormon
Legally, sending a this & this letter notifies someone of their misconduct & orders them to cut it out, pronto
Cease & desist
To give a more personalized listening experience, this website uses its music genome project
E.B., T.H. & Australian Nobelist Patrick
You put these spiky plates on your hiking boots if you don't want to slip in the ice or snow
In 1845 this 2-word phrase describing the inevitable expansion of U.S. territory was first used regarding Texas' annexation
Manifest Destiny
To not say anything impulsively, or another word for a song's chorus
Alexis Ohanian was still a student at UVA when he doodled what became the alien mascot for this website that he co-founded
Henry & Helen, who both wrote about title characters with the last name Jones