who has the most days on jeopardy
Who is ken jennings
what birthstone is for septembre
what continents are ducks from
Asia, Europe, and North America
what animal has stripes
What is a zebra
what is the 4 letter in the alphabet
who has the most money won on jeopardy
Who is brad rutter
what month dose the stone dimond is
What is April
what food are you not suppose to give ducks but people do all the time
What is bread
my----------sign is cancer
What is zodiac
What is the 8 letter of the alphabet
What is H
who is the host of jeopardy
who is Alex Trebek
what month is aquamarine represent
Why can ducks not have bread
Because they cant digest it
i will zig what
What is zag
what is the 26 letter of the alphabet
What is Y
who are the 3 contestants of jeopardy greatest of all time
Who are Ken Jennings, Brad Rutter, and James Holzhauer
what month is topaz
What is Novembre
can ducks see coulor
YES but only really red green yellow and bleu
put the sandwich in a -------
What is a ziplock
what is the 14 letter of the alphabet
what is N
what networks show jeopardy
What is NBC and ABC
what stones are month 2 3 5 6
What animal does a ducks quacking come from
What is hens
why wont this ------go up on my coat
What is zipper
What is 5 letter of the alphabet
What is E