The original screenplay for Star Wars gave Luke this surname; also used as the name of the base in The Force Awakens
What is Starkiller?
He and Sherlock Holmes killed each other in The Final Problem
Who is Moriarty?
This word can come at the beginning of a warning such as "handle with care"
What is fragile?
Who is Baby Yoda?
In a common family tree this person is your mom's dad's wife
Who is your grandma?
Han may or may not have shot first at this character, depending on which version of Star Wars you watch
Who is Greedo?
This classic horror icon's weaknesses include garlic, touching a Crucifix, and walking on holy ground
Who is Count Dracula?
Some of these things of the spirit are love, joy, and peace
What are fruits?
What are sewing supplies?
You'll have plenty to be thankful for if your grandma makes this Thanksgiving dish traditionally served with gravy
What is stuffing?
To destroy the Death Star Luke shoots torpedoes through an exhaust port about the size of this fictional animal
What is a Womprat?
He killed Jay Gatsby because he incorrectly believed that Gatsby killed his wife
Who is George Wilson?
If you see several bunnies playing in a field, you could also say that they are doing this
What is frolicking?
The lyrics that finish this popular meme song: "I ain't get no sleep 'cause of y'all..."
What is "Y'all not gon get no sleep 'cause of me"?
According to a research study in 2009, approximately 86% of grandmas bake these for their families
What are cookies?
This name is given to the lightsaber used by Anakin, Luke, and Rey
What is the Skywalker Lightsaber?
Be careful if you stay at his motel...he may just go psycho on you
Who is Norman Bates?
This playground taunt can be given after discovering something belonging to one of your peers
What is finders-keepers?
This multiplicity of spectra excited Paul Vasquez to be awestruck by nature
What is a double rainbow?
This is the average age to become a grandmother
What is 50?
The "TIE" in TIE Fighter stands for this
What is twin-ion engine?
He killed Boromir during the Battle of Amon-Hen in The Lord of the Rings
Who is Lurtz?
This song from the soundtrack of Spider-Man 3 is entitled "People Get Up and Drive Your _____ Soul"
What is funky?
If you don't get this answer right and lose your team's massive point advantage, you will have done a...
What is epic fail?
If your great-grandmother was born in Brazil in 1910; how many World War's has her country been involved in?
What is two World Wars?