American History
Body Parts

Called the "Shot heard 'round the world" since it was the location of first real shots of the American revolution on April 19, 1775.

What is Concord or Lexington


Watch out or you may step on this poisonous, rock looking animal that lays on the ocean floor.

What is a stonefish


This is the strongest bone in your body.

What is a femur


Eminem's partner in crime that thought that he was an African-American rapper the first time he heard Eminem's tape.

Who is Dr Dre


There is a conspiracy that this movie was just a big cover up about Walt Disneys's final resting place.

What is Frozen


One of many presidents that were thought to have gone mad, threw a party at the White House in which everyone was invited.

Who is Andrew Jackson


This animal is said to be "bulletproof" and is the closest relative to the sloth.

What is an armadillo


This muscle is considered to be the strongest muscle in the human body and is able to exert the most pressure at 55-200 pounds of force. 

What is the masseter (jaw muscle)


Eminem and deceased singer, Juice WRLD entered the Guinness World Records Book with this song by rapping 7.6 words per second and 229 words in 30 seconds.

What is Godzilla


This was Walt Disney's first real film that was animated, made in 1951.

What is Alice in Wonderland

Lincoln was assassinated at this theater in Washington D.C. by John Wilkes Boothe, 1865.

What is The Ford Theater


This is animal is considered to be the deadliest animal on earth, claiming 1,000,000 lives each year.

What is a mosquitoe


The human body has this many bones in it.

What is 206 bones


The rap legend Eminem, was sued by who after making the song "My Name Is?"

Who is his mother


Pluto from Mickey Mouse is said to be this breed of dog.

What is a bloodhound


Wrote famous speech, "Ain't I a Woman?" in 1851, and was an African-American abolitionist and fighter for women's rights.

Who is Sojourner Truth


Extinct breed of shark who's name means spiral saw, and their jaw was just that.

What is a helicoprion


These are the four major functions of the human skeletal system.

What is Support, Protection, Movement, and Supply/Storage


This man beat Eminem in the 1997 Nationwide Rap Olympics, Mathers came in 2nd place.

Who is Otherwize 


Considered to be one of Disney's biggest movie failures. The plot was about a boy named Milo who's mom is taken away by martians.

What is Mars Needs Moms


A gay man who helped George Washington save Valley Forge from disease and cold, he proceeded to teach the troops how to use a bayonet.  

Baron Von Steuben


This animal is cute, furry, with large lovable eyes but is extremely deadly and can kill you by licking you. 

What is a slow loris


This is the bone that connects the top of your rib cage.

What is the Sternum (breastbone)


Eminems parents were once in this band before they split and played in Ramada Inns along the Dakotas-Montana border.

What is Daddy Warbucks


This was the last animated movie that Walt Disney supervised before his death which occurred 10 months after it came out.

What is the Jungle Book