A Spot of Good News
Movies and TV
Those we Lost
Those we Gained

The final Russian soldiers formally leave Germany, bringing an end to this protracted conflict

What is the Cold War


This 1994 Sitcom went through several titles before landing on its iconic name, including: Insomnia Cafe, Six of One and Across the Hall



This breakfast cereal, introduced in 1994, all but told children that they could eat “candy for breakfast”

What is Reese's Puffs Cereal


In 1994 this musician unfortunately joined the infamous “27 club”

Who is Kurt Cobain


Born in London, ON this pop sensation was discovered when Scooter Braun accidentally clicked on a youtube

Who is Justin Beiber


This former prisoner is inaugurated as the first black president in his nation’s history

Who is Nelson Mandela 


This 1994 movie, adjusted for inflation, is still the highest grossing animated movie to date

What is The Lion King


This video game console was the first to feature twin analogue stick controls

What is the Playstation


This SCTV alumni was born in Toronto, ON and appeared in movies such as Home Alone, Little Shop of Horrors, The Blues Brothers, and Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Who is John Candy


This actress with the hard-to-spell name got her start playing a murdered teenager in The Lovely Bones

Who is Saiorse Ronan


Despite directing 5 movies that had each grossed over $200,000,000, in 1994 this director receives his first ever Academy Award, more than 20 years into his career.

Who is Steven Spielberg


Despite only appearing in his movie for 2 and a half minutes, this director manages to say the N-word a whopping 5 times

Who is Quentin Tarantino


This company, founded in 1994, was initially pitched as a marketplace for books

What is Amazon


This Latin American actor famously played the Joker and refused to shave his iconic mustache for the role, insisting that they paint over it instead

Who is Cesar Romero


This Puerto Rician popstar appears on the Cardi B track “I like it” and released the first ever entirely Spanish-language album to reach #1 on the Billboard Top 100

Who is Bad Bunny


The World Health Organization reports that this disease has been entirely eradicated from the Western Hemisphere

What is polio


This cartoon that debuted in 1994 features a character who many speculate to be Jewish, after in one episode mentioning her “Tante Gefilte”

What is "The Magic Schoolbus"


This company produced the first ever genetically engineered crop to receive FDA approval, the “Flavr Savr” Tomato

Who is Monsanto


No one was ever convicted in the murder of this woman, although most people could probably tell you who did it

Who is Nicole Brown Simpson


This California songwriter forms part of the supergroup BoyGenius and also wrote the themesong for the show, Fleabag 

Who is Phoeboe Bridgers


Israel formally ends its 46-year conflict with this nation, signing a peace treaty in the Arava Valley

What is Jordan


In 1994 Jim Carey starred in these 3 films, each going on to gross more than $100,000,000

What is "The Mask", "Dumb and Dumber", and "Ave Ventura: Pet Detective" 


This internet browser, introduced in 1994, once boasted a whopping 90% market share. By the year 2006, it had fallen to less than 1%

What is Netscape Navigator


The American President who died in 1994 shares a middle name with this iconic Simpsons character

Who is Richard Milhous Nixon


This gorgeous, wonderful person recently turned 30. Careful, they might be in the room right now...

Who is Ever!