Church Trivia
Historical Figures
Classic Movies
Logan's Husbands
Let's Get Personal

Who was Alma's companion when he went to preach to the people of Ammonihah?



This Queen lost her head in 1793 during the reign of terror. 

Marie Antoinette


This movie based on the Grimm's Fairytale was the first fully animated feature film and the first feature film made and produced by Disney.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


Dacre Montgomery not only plays a power ranger, he also plays Logan's bad boy hubby in Stranger Things. 



What is Quentin Banks' favorite movie? Do you remember?

Remember The Titans


What language was the Book of Mormon translated from?

Reformed Egyptian

This man is considered the King of Rock. The King has over 700 songs recorded and starred in 31 feature films. His most popular film was "Viva Las Vegas".

Elvis Presley


DAILY DOUBLE: If you can answer both questions right you will get DOUBLE the points!

1. This classic movie was the first movie ever to be filmed in color! It feature a green witch, a girl in a blue dress, and a yellow road.

2. This movie also features red slippers, however that was not the original color of the shoes. What was the original color?

1. The Wizard of Oz

2. Silver


This husband lost his arm in world war 2, was taken captive by HYDRA and is known as the Winter Soldier.

Bucky Barnes


Who was Elliot Naven's character in "Guy's and Dolls"?



Which Latter Day Prophet served as the Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ the longest?

Heber J Grant, 26 years


This man was the first governor of Utah.

Brigham young


This movie based on the classic Jane Austen book has been remade five times: once in 1940, once in 2005, a modern version, a modern bollywood version, and a zombie version. What movie is this?

Pride and Prejudice


This husband was played by the amazing Adam driver in one of the greatest franchises in the galaxy.

Kylo Ren/Ben Solo


How many art classes has Rachelle Felt taken at Sierra High? 



In A.D. 30, the last chief judge of the once-great Nephite nation was assassinated. That murder ended the Reign of the Judges. How long did the Reign of the Judges last?

120 years


This famous woman's 44 year reign over Britain is known as "England's Golden Age".

Queen Elizabeth the First


This movie is one of the only three movies to win eleven academy awards. It was that highest grossing movie of all time until Avatar took its spot in 2009. What classic movie is this?



Logan fell in love with this mischievous boy in 2011 but it wasn't until 2017 she found out he had a sister who literally was from hell.



DAILY DOUBLE: If you can answer both questions right you will get DOUBLE the points!

What is Logan Finches Middle Name?

You know what movie her first name was named after, but what movie does her middle name come from?

1: Emilia

2: The Princess Diaries


What is the Brother of Jared's real name?

Mahonri Moriancumer


This man ran for to be the ninth President of the United States and won. However he was only in office for a month before dying from Typhoid fever.

William Henry Harrison


This film directed by Orson Welles in 1941 was about a reporter trying to discover the meaning of a business tycoon's last word: "Rosebud". This movie is considered to be the greatest movie of all time. It was also the first movie to ever feature ceilings on camera.

Citizen Kane


Logan had to watch this husband die 111 times over the course of 15 seasons in the hit show Super Natural.

Dean Winchester


The first movie night Quin, Elliot, Logan, and Rachelle had was at the Naven's house (Sydney Trump was there too). Elliot picked the movie. What movie was it?

Big Fish