Fun and Games
¡Bebidas y Comida del Mundo!
Military History
Logical Fallacies and Circular

One of Lynyrd Skynyrd's most famous songs glorifies this state, ain't in sweet?

What is Alabama?


Would you ever compete for food? I wouldn't I'd like my chances of survival to be assured, unlike these games.

What are The Hunger Games?


Named after Arthur Wellesley, the first Duke of Wellington, this dish, with it's ingredients coming from a cow, was named after him.

What is Beef Wellington?


This firearm, chambered in 7.62 x .39 Soviet and noted for it's reliability and resistance to dirt and damage, is perhaps the most famous of all time.

What is the AK-47?

The reasoning why Ted applied to McDonalds is because of this.

What is because Ted applied to McDonalds?


Many people, especially isolationists, argue the U.S. should've never intervened in this country, ever.

What is Afghanistan?


This RPG Game made in 1970 involves player-characters choosing alignments and fighting mystical monsters in dungeons.

What is Dungeons and Dragons?


Good ol' breakfast! This Russian dish, which oatmeal deviates from, has been a breakfast staple throughout history

What is porridge?


This projectile-based weapon, which was only later replaced by guns, was invented by humans in approximately 15,000 B.C.

What are bows and arrows?


"Adam's argument is completely bogus! He looks like a fool!" cried John, using Ad Hominem. This fallacy attacks not the argument of a person, but this.

What is the person themselves?


Let's go backwards! This east-Asian nation is notable for it's politics, but also has it's own version of Hawaii, the island of Hainan.

What is China?


This company, which commonly collaborates with Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Sledgehammer, has made the most popular FPS genre of all time.

What is Activision?


This food of Italian origin has many different regional varieties, specifically, ones in the U.S.

What is pizza?


In 1806, after losing one of the wars to this country in the Napoleonic Wars, the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved, with two of it's dominant successors being Prussia and Austria.

What is (Napoleonic) France?


"Communism is great, and you have to prove it isn't!" said Kyle, who shifted this burden to his opponent in the debate.

What is the burden of proof?


This North African nation is the tenth largest country in the world and has a name that would resemble that of a socialist regime.

What is Algeria?


This 1985 platformer is among the most famous video games of all time.

What is Super Mario Bros?


Ancient Mesopotamia is cited for having created this drink, which is savored by many to this day.

What is beer?


Sometimes music can influence how the public feels about a war, this sentiment during Vietnam could be heard very directly through this Creedence Clearwater Revival song.

What is Fortunate Son?


The slippery slope fallacy refers to claiming a single event will definitely lead to a series of future events. Unlike the literal definition of the title, it is not a true slippery slope like this mountain, the tallest in Antarctica.

What is Mt. Erebus?


The Commonwealth of Independent States, one of it's members being Armenia, takes a geographical shape nearly identical to that of this former country, which collapsed in the late twentieth century.

What is the Soviet Union (USSR)?


Airsoft is known to be a peculiar sport, but most people will end up getting the airsoft version of this rifle.

What is the M4/M16?


Welcome aboard! Southwest Airlines announced it would cease serving this on it's flights in 2018.

What are peanuts?


General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, noted for his good tactics and his excellent work at the First Battle of Bull Run, reported directly to this other famous General.

Who is Robert E. Lee?


Jacob called himself the best actor of all time, this was because of this.

What is because he called himself the best actor of all time?