Which US license plate has a rainbow on it?
What program does Virtual PAL use?
Which Youth Advisor has been at PAL the longest?
Ms. Karina
Which animated movie has a green ogre?
What does Kermit drink?
What characters does Pinocchio meet on his way to school?
A fox and cat
What app does virtual PAL use?
How old is Mr. Bentley?
What was the first feature length animated movie ever released? (Hint: Its Disney)
Snow White and the seven dwarfs
Who's fist has the yellow shirt and blue jeans?
Arthurs Fist
Who has the largest Walmart Purchase in History?
Shaquillle O' Neal
What time sessions does Virtual PAL run through?
10:30-11:30, 12-1, 2-3
Which Youth Advisor Graduated from PUSD?
Ms. Valeria
How many fast and furious films have been released?
What is this guys name?
Bad Luck Brian
What is Wle E. Coyotes Middle Name?
What are Next weeks Activities?
Gardening and Tie-dye masks
What Field Trip did past PAL Youth Advisors lose a kid?
Six Flags
What flavor Pop Tart does Buddy the Elf use in his spaghetti in ELF?
What is this meme called?
Woman Yells at Cat
Who was the first US president to die in office?
William Harrison
Where do the Youth Advisors participate in Virtual PAL? IE: Location.
The Police Station
What field Trip did current PAL Youth Advisors Lose a kid?
What is the highest grossing movie of all time?
Avengers: Endgame
What does bamboclaat mean?
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