May the Force be with You!
Space the Final Frontier
Orbits not Orbitz
I bring ye good TIDE-ings
Do I look fat in this?
G = 6.67 x 10 (-11) N m2 / kg2 is ...
What is the value of the Universal Gravitational Constant?
The numerical values that represent the curvature of earth.
What is every 8000 m the earth curves downward by 5m?
The name of the standard type of orbit a projectile will take around a sphere.
What is a Circular Orbit?
The type of tides where we see the highest high tides and lowest low tides.
What is Spring Tides?
Your weight.
What is the Force exerted between you and the Earth due to Earth's gravitational pull?
When the intensity or force of something increases while the distance simultaneously decreases... (what is the name of this Law)
What is the Inverse Square Law? F = 1 / d2
Muscle atrophy (deterioration), bone density loss, difficulty sleeping, and reduced immune system function.
What is many of the symptoms an astronaut experiences after a few months of living in space?
The minimum velocity at which a projectile must travel after leaving earth in order to remain in orbit.
What is 8.0 km/s?
The two positions of the moon relative to the sun and the earth which create the Neap Tides.
What is the First Quarter and Third Quarter Moons?
An elevator starts going up to the 30th floor very quickly, and you are standing on a scale and experience this observation of your weight.
Why you appear to gain weight for a brief moment in the elevator?
The only direction in motion that is affected by gravity.
What is Vertical Motion?
The show that this quote originated from.
What is Star Trek: the next generation?
A projectile moving at variable speeds in an orbit different from the standard shape is in this type of orbit.
What is an Elliptical Orbit?
The reason why lakes do not also experience tides the way that oceans do.
What is their distance does not cover a large enough area to experience two separate movements or pulls from the moon's gravity?
Two ways on earth you can ever experience temporary weightlessness.
What is the feeling you get for a split second in an elevator quickly descending, or in something falling off a cliff?
The original equation you learned to calculate force, but only applies to measurements done on Earth, not anywhere else in the Universe.
What is F = m * a?
The term that explains why satellites never crash back onto earth, and follow a tight curve that matches the shape of the earth
What is Tangential Velocity?
The required velocity for an object to leave Earth's gravitational pull and assume a new orbit in space.
What is 11.2 km/s?
The name of the very awesome place which experiences the most extreme tides in the world and you can see some really cool wildlife.
What is the Bay of Fundy?
the percentage of weightlessness or remaining gravity felt by the astronauts of the space ship MIR as they orbited at 250kms off of earth's surface.
What is they experience about 88% of Earth's original gravity?
Light, Spray Radius, Magnetism, Sound and Universal Force of Gravitation.
What are the forces or concepts which follow the Inverse Square Law?
the added amount of time (beyond our 24hr clock) the moon takes to circulate around the earth each day
What is 50 mins?
The reason why nothing is ever really moving freely or without direction in space.
What is because there are always objects near to it with enough mass to create a small gravitational pull?
Why we always see the same side of the moon no matter where it is around the earth?
What is because it is a tidal lock, basically kept there by the equal force of the ocean?