Top 4 movies
Bonus: In order
good will hunting
pulp fiction
Lion King
"In case i dont see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"
Jim Carrey (truman burbank)
"Ooh, its something about just something about the way she moves
I cant figure it out, theres something about her"
Miss Independent
Who is my soon to be wife?
Nellie... not my dog
Who did i get most mad in dodgeball?
What movie do i think has the best soundtrack?
Greatest Showman
cmonn now... if john misses this he sucks
"Winning in here, is the key to winning out there"
Ken Carter (Samuel L Jackson)
"Said she tired of little money, need a big boy
Pull up, 20 inch blades like im lil troy
now its everybody flocking, need a decoy"
My family youngest to oldest including pets
Nellie Cincy Mac Delaney Trey CJ Holly
What course was my first golf membership at?
JC Martin (Mardin)
Guess the movie
"Say whatever it is that you want cause youre just like every other fool on this island"
"I can never forget, but no matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets or no matter how far you fall, you are never out of the fight."
Marcus Latrell (Mark Wahlberg)
It might seem crazy what im boutta say
sunshine, shes here, you can take a break
What is my soon to be nephews name?
Charles James Deitrick IV
What do i say the best feeling is?
Hint: Sports related
Jumping in the pool for morning practice
Which conjuring movie is my favorite?
"WICKED is good"
Dylan Obrien
Mama always said i was born on the wild side
one foot in the flames and the other tryin to walk the line
Ride the lightning
What is my family number? Not my number
Who do i enjoy getting the most mad?
What is my top 3 favorite will smith movies?
Bonus: In order
Pursuit of Happyness
I am legend
"Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys. Makes your lives extraordinary"
Robin Williams
John Keating
Dead Poets Society
Falling too fast to prepare for this
tripping in the world could be dangerous
Everybody circling is vulturous
Whatever it takes
What is my Pop Pops name?
Ever since i was a kid, I wanted to go to this country. What country is it?
Jamaica maan