I am in 4H, what are the 4 H’s stand for?
Head, Heart, Hands, Health
What are my parents names? Have to spell my mom’s name right
Ben & Jennie
What sport am I currently in?
What is my favorite food?
What school do I go to?
What number is on my soccer jersey?
Who was my 8th grade advisory teacher?
Which sport is my favorite? (Not a trick)
What is my favorite animal?
What town did I used to live in?
North Liberty
What was my main message in my speech in SPEECH last year?
Make your bed
What are my dogs names?
Bo & Andy
Name the coach that coaches me in swim team and is a teacher at MPMS
What is my favorite broadway musical? If you get top 3 I will give you points
1. Wicked 2. Joseph and the Dream Coat 3. Guys & Dolls
What foreign object is in my body?
Pencil lead
What side of the family is know as the “military” side?
What instrument did I want to play but never did?
What is one sport I have given up on?
Basketball, tennis, ballet, softball
What is my favorite ice cream?
Cookie Dough
How many kids do I babysit?
What does BSF stand for? No, not bacon students forever
Bubble Study Fellowship
What is the name of the private school I used to go to?
If nobody knows, then the first one to look it up and shout it earns the points
Heritage Christian School
What is the official position I play in Rugby? I accept 2 answers
Right Wing or Hooker
What is my favorite drink?
Shirley Temple
How many times did I need to take the Drivers Permit test?