(About Us)
How old is Cameron?
What is the most famous business of all time?
Booty Flakes
What was the first mini game introduced in Jordan's “Mini Game” island?
Ice Breaker
What is the name of the famous dog?
A farmer had 17 Goats. All but 6 died. How many lived?
How many cousins does Captain have?
What is the name for an insulative term that we made up based on food?
What skin did Dorito use to main?
Canadian Ski Skin
What was the poptart cat's name in the popular Youtube video that uploaded in 2011?
Nyon Cat
In order from biggest to smallest, name the three largest US states.
Alaska, Texas, California.
What is Captains top 3 favorite sports to play?
Basketball, Football, and Soccer.
What baby daddy did Jordan leave to be with?
Jordan left Robert to be with Heimlich
Name an old nickname that we used to call Ryan.
What are the two names for the sisters in “1,000 pound sisters.
Amy Slaton and Tammy Slaton
What is the name of the President who abolished slavery?
President Abraham Lincoln
What does Luke do for a living? (Jordan's sisters husband.)
Escrow Manager
What is the name of the tree in Fortnite that Jordan calls her boyfriend?
What was Jay’s main skin in Minecraft for a long time?
Do you know
de way?
What ocean is the Gulf of Mexico located in?
The Atlantic Ocean
What two foods give Jordan a headache?
Jellybeans and Cake
What does “just a few broken windows” mean?
It was just a few broken windows. -Ryan
(Ryan referencing the harm of the United States Capitol breech and attack by a mob of Trump supporters.)
What is something that Jay always used to always have around him?
A water canteen
What is the sound of an iconic noise SpongeBob once made in an episode?
Me Hoy Minoy
Name at least four islands that are located in the Caribbean.
Puerto Rico, The Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, or Haiti.