Odysseus narrowly escaped death after blinding the son of this god of the sea.
Who is Poseidon?
A porterhouse steak is different from a T-bone in that it also contains this indulgent, tender cut.
What is filet mignon?
R2D2 and C-3PO narrowly escaped the Empire by fleeing in an escape pod to Tatooine. In doing so, they were able to protect the secret plans to this Imperial super weapon.
What is the Death Star?
After Sweetness, this Bears running back recorded the second-most rushing yards in franchise history.
Who is Matt Forte?
Approximately 99% of the human body is made of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and this element that can be found in the tip of a pencil.
What is Carbon?
Each of the planets in our solar system is named after a Roman god with a Greek equivalent. This one was named after the equivalent of Hermes, the god of speed.
What is Mercury?
Soda cans, tin foil, and even parts of the International Space Station are made up of this element, which should also be recycled alongside paper and plastic.
What is aluminum?
A lightsaber is an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. These rare rocks are used to power them.
What are Kyber Crystals?
These two brothers are legendary football coaches. One of them is currently with the Baltimore Ravens, while the other is starting his second year with the Los Angeles Chargers.
Who are John and Jim Harbaugh?
This organ is responsible for producing insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.
What is the pancreas?
Be careful when having a conversation with this hideous monster, or else you might end up as a garden decoration.
Who is Medusa?
What is the Mariana Trench?
After Order 66, Yoda retired to this foggy, swamp planet.
Where is Dagobah?
This NBA player was the youngest ever to win MVP.
Who is Derrick Rose?
The surface area of these set of organs is enough to cover the width of an entire tennis court.
What are the lungs?
This father-son duo were imprisoned by King Minos before their airborne escape. Their plan worked perfectly before everything crashed and burned (quite literally).
Who are Icarus and Daedalus?
Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and this fire-breathing lizard were the first-ever starter Pokémon you could choose to lead you into battle
Who is Charmander?
Before there were stormtroopers and the Empire, the Republic used these troops, with an identical appearence, in their military.
What are Clones?
In 2019, Russia was banned from competing in the Olympics for several years because of this illegal practice, which enhanced their endurance and gave their athletes an edge over competitors.
What is doping?
Platelets, red blood cells, and these guys, who defend against disease, are the three types of blood cells found in the human body.
What are white blood cells?
After you die, you're lucky to be placed in this section of the Underworld for being especially kind and honest toward others.
What is Elysium?
As the birthplace of the Olympics, this country is the first to appear in the parade of nations at each opening ceremony.
What is Greece?
Boba Fett, Darth Vader, and his son, Luke Skywalker, have enjoyed many baths in this medical chamber.
What is a Bacta Tank?
Jan Železný holds the world record for throwing this lightweight object over 300 feet in 1996.
What is a javelin?
The visible part of this largest organ in the body is actually made up entirely of dead cells.
What is skin?