Upper body parts
Lower body parts
Reason for appointment

Jane has a hard time moving her left arm. She can't lift it very high. Her elbow and neck are fine. What is hurt?

Her left shoulder


Jane has been sniffling and blowing her nose more often. What are her symptoms ? or what does she have ? (choose)

Sneezing / runny nose / a cold


Joe has been sick for a while and his stomach hurts around his belly button. What would his injury be according to the doctor?

Stomach Virus 


After a bad accident, Joe lost the use of his ____________. Now he has to use a wheelchair to move around. What did Joe lose the use of?

His legs


Jane was in a car when she got hit by a truck. She took an ambulance to the hospital. What brought her there?

A car crash.


Joe received a basketball to the face and now he is bleeding from his nostrils. What did he break?

His nose 


Joe's head is painful from time to time. He goes to the doctor to get it checked out. What would you call this symptom?

Headaches or migraines 


Joe hit his head hard while playing football. He had to go to the hospital. What kind of injury did Joe get?

A concussion 


Jane jumped too high and landed wrong. Now she has to walk with cruches. Putting on shoes is difficult now. What did she injure?

Her foot or her ankle.


Jane is getting contractions and 9 months after carrying her baby it's time to head to the hospital. Why is she there?

She is pregnant / in labor.


Jane can't move her head left to right. What is hurting?

Her Neck 


Jane is nauseous and she had food poisoning for a few days. She wants medication to make it stop. What is her symptom?

Vomiting / puking 


Jane broke something in her left arm. What do you call that injury?

An arm fracture. 


Jane was attacked by a shark! It ate her leg up to her knee. What is she missing?

Her ankle and foot. 


When the doctors examined Joe at the hospital, they found smoke in his lungs and burns on his body. What hurt him?

A house fire 


Joe fell and hurt his _________. Now he can't write. What did he injure?

His hand


Joe started feeling a sharp pain next to his heart and lungs. What is his symptom?

Chest pain


Jane feels discomfort around her chest. She can't move like she wants and there is swelling around her ribs. What does Jane have?

A broken rib.


Joe is old and he can't squat anymore because his _______ hurt too much when he does. What fits the blank?

Knees or Hips 


Joe was at a bar with his friends. He drank a lot and fell unconscious. Why does he need to go to the hospital?

He is in a comma / he was drugged.