Short, uncommunicative, using only words that are necessary
What is laconic
Not everyday is a banner day. Most days are ordinary. Most days are...
What is meager
This is NATO
meaning ...
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(Ukraine wants to join this alliance - badly)
Who is Michaela Shiffron
The township/neighborhood where the worst of the LA fires occured.
What is Pacific Palisades
Peeling 100 pounds of potatoes
Assemby line work
What is tedious
Picasso, pointalism, Steve Jobs, the designer of the Eiffel Tower.
Flowers, summer vacation, and even youth
What is avant - garde
What is ephemeral
The cobbler's children have no shoes
The use of ... is called an ... and is used for ...
What is irony
What is an ellipses and words that are left out
with respect to The Little Prince as an allegory
The snake is the snake in the story but also represents death.
The planets that the Prince visits before earth represents this
what are the various absurdities in life.
The pilot is the pilot but also represents this kind of person
The rose is the rose and also this
what is an adult who still has a lot to understand about life - that which is most important.
What is a love interest//wife// Exupery's wife
When something is calmed, made better, relieved.
The president of France
what is assuaged?
Who is Macron?