Keeping it Sterile
Legal Documentation
Taking Care of Business
Patient Care

The laser specific PPE that should be worn by all personnel in the OR during laser surgery.

What are laser goggles.


These are poured with care into sterile labeled containers on the sterile field.

What are sterile solutions and medications.


This is ALWAYS required for EVERY surgery prior to the start of the procedure.

What is the "Time Out"?


Wound class/type for open, fresh accidental wounds; major breaks in sterility during surgery; spillage from the GI tract; and incisions with non-purulent inflammation.

What is contaminated/class III?


Display a Latex Allergy sign on the outside door; write on the white board in the room; and assure no latex products are on the sterile field.

What are the steps you take for patients that have a latex allergy?


The device that is best for removing hair in the OR.

What is the BD Clip/Vac?


The precautions that are to be in place for a C. Diff positive patient.

What are strict contact precautions.


Moving in this manner by scrubbed team members helps to assure sterility.

What is back-to-back and face-to-face?


The first thing that is done when a patient is exposed to a known allergen on their allergy list.

What is immediately notifying the surgeon and team?


This event is done at or near the end of EVERY case to verify the surgical procedure performed.

What is the surgical debrief?


According to AORN standards, this must be done when a relief RN Circulator or relief CST takeover the surgical case for breaks and lunches.

What is to give a verbal report and count (at minimum) the soft goods opened and used?


If no BD Clip/Vac is available, this is the next best method of hair removal in the OR.

What is wet clipping?


The required PPE when caring for a patient with C. Diff?

What are gowns and gloves.


The time when moving a sterile field set up into another operating room is acceptable.

What is NEVER.


The appropriate time to have the light on the laparoscope turned to the on position.

What is while in use?


In the OR, during a surgical procedure, these people are documented in the patient's chart.

What is everyone who enters the operating room?


The procedure that needs to be done to the surgical instruments every time before they are sent to SPD.

What is washing with sterile water and spraying with enzymatic solution?


BioGel gloves, indwelling urinary catheters and Penrose drains all have this in common.

What is latex?


Shoe covers are required when you enter this area of the OR.

What is the restricted area?


While scrubbed in and using a step stool, a CST avoids changing levels of position to avoid this.

What is the risk of contamination of the sterile field?


This step of recovery can be eliminated, if the anesthesiologist deems it appropriate or the patient remains intubated after a surgical procedure.

What is bypassing the PACU?


This is where the number from the Medtronic Situate scan is entered into the patient's chart.

What is the final count comment box?


The team that leads room turnovers between surgical cases.

What is the EVS team?


The person that is responsible for leading position changes and transfers of the patient.

Who is the CRNA or anesthesiologist?


This PPE is required to be worn at all times, by everyone during a procedure.

What is eye protection?


This happens when no indicator strip is present in every level of the sterile baskets within the casket

What is handing off the "unsterile" instruments, calling for a new set, changing gloves, and covering or breaking down the back table when sterility is compromised?


This form needs to be completed every time before taking the patient into the OR.

What is the "Stop sign" form?


This is how to document your electronic signature at the end of the surgical case.

What is verify the chart.


The method used to determine what supplies and instruments are to be opened for the surgical case.

What are the surgeon's preference cards?


The first thing you do when a surgical count is not correct.

What is speak up and stop the procedure?


The AORN considers these to be acceptable forms of eye protection.

What are goggles or safety glasses that protect eyes from splashes.


When sterility is compromised during this kind of procedure, the CST would isolate the breach of sterile field (cover hole/tear with an impervious drape), hand off any contaminated items (unless critical to the procedure with no immediate accessible replacement) and change gloves (if possible).

What is an emergent procedure?


With help from the AORN, Colorado law states that this surgical instrument must be used during procedures that use electrocautery.

What is the smoke evacuation pencil?


This is the process used to charge for items not in the Lawson system.

What is one-time supply?


The most effective basic way of preventing infection.

What is hand hygiene?


These items are detectable by the Medtronic Situate scanner.

What are lap and raytec sponges?