Old Testament Justice
New Testament Justice
People of Justice
As God's messengers, they called the people of Israel to turn away from their wickedness and return to God.
What are prophets?
After the fall of man, God gave us "powers" that direct us to our loving Triune God. They are also known as the Theological Virtues.
What are Faith, Hope, and Love?
"Justice-in-the-flesh" is a term that refers to this person in the New Testament.
Who is Jesus Christ?
This Pope said, "If you want peace, work for Justice."
Who is Pope Paul VI?
This is an open-ended contract of LOVE between God and His people. It involves promises and the duty to be faithful to the promises.
What is a Covenant?
This is the state or condition of sin into which all generations of people are born since the time of Adam and Eve's turning away from God.
What is Original Sin?
This was Jesus' Greatest Commandment in the New Testament.
What is "Love one another as I love you"?
This Trappist Monk promoted the Five Pillars of Peace.
What is Dom Christian de Cherge?
This is an unmerited gift from God to all of mankind after the fall of Adam and Eve.
What is Sanctifying Grace?
This is the story of God's invitation to mankind to live in covenant and their response to that invitation. (think about the 6 covenants)
What is Salvation History?
Jesus' _________ on the cross is a great act of justification because it saves man and puts him in the right relationship with God and each other.
What is "self-gift"? (he gave up his entire self for us). "death" will be accepted.
This man in the Old Testament was blessed with land and descendants. He is also the "Father" of the Jewish people.
Who is Abraham?
Jesus taught that those who wish to embrace God's kingdom must live according to______________ he expressed at the Sermon on the Mount.
What are the Beatitudes?
Name the 6 major Covenants of Salvation History.
What is.... Adam and Eve = Couple Noah = Family Abraham = Tribe Moses = Nation David = Kingdom Jesus Christ = Church
Please name the three parables mentioned by Jesus in the New Testament (in relation to Justice).
What is the parable of the Good Samaritan,the Goats and the Sheep, and the Laborers?
This famous saint described the four powers of the human soul. He also wrote the Summa Theologica.
Who is St. Thomas of Aquinas?
This is a power of the human soul which concerns choice and intention of end.
What is the Human Will?
These attributes were given to God in the Old Testament (name one of the five).
What are: 1.) The God of Covenant 2.) The Compassionate God 3.) Lover of Justice 4.) Just God 5.) God of Justice and Peace
When we serve the cause of justice, we must become true disciples of Christ by being __________ to all of our relationships.
What is "faithful"?
This famous writer used the ship analogy to discuss man's responsibility to ensure the well-being of every human person.
Who is C.S. Lewis?