What is: Red, Blue, Yellow
What are the 3 primary colors?
What is TeenTok
what is the name of our magazine?
What is: A prayer to
what did we write our poems about?
What is:5
How many pieces did we place on our board for capture the object?
What is: Boy, dis so fricking tuff
What is Micah's favorite saying
What is the cornea
What is the protective cover of the eye
Who is: Ms. Alkayer
Which staff member is Frank related to?
What is: The Post
What movie did we watch in JS?
what is one way to show statistics?
What is: a pie chart
What is: Nothing
What did Micah do to contribute to the magazine?
What is: the optic nerve
What connects the eye and the brain
What is: sources
What Journal does Jacobs's mom work for?
What is mozart
what type of music did Max ask for in class?
What is: 50
How many responses did we need for the statistics question
What is: a translator
What was Micah’s job supposed to be in Hebrew?
What are the three types of pictures we should have for our magazine?
What is: Monochrome, layered, black and white:
What is: Monochrome, layered, black and white:
What are the three types of pictures we should have for our magazine?
Who is: Dr. Kushnir, Mrs. Mishkin, Mrs Kaplan
Who are the 3 people on our editorial board?
What is: papercut
What was the art we did for our Tfila Talk?
What is: Capture the object
What was the name of our coordinat plane game in math?
What is: The CTA
What is Micah’s favorite way of traveling?
What is: Tertiary
What is: Tertiary
What is the name of a color made from a primary and secondary color?
What is 176
How many topics were there to choose from to write about?
What is: A protestor in the West bank
What did we debate about on our first day?
What is your favorite pasta shape
What was Libby’s question for statistics?
What is: 4
How many Starbucks cups does Micah keep in his bedroom?