She watched Moses float down the Nile in a basket.(Ex. 2:4)
You may be thinking of heaps of things laid one on top of another but one time Jehovah warned the Israelites that if they were disobedient they would suffer from these. It is a condition of tumors in a not pleasant area.
The night Jesus was arrested, a certain young man was there observing Jesus. He only had a fine linen on as clothes. He had to flee the Garden of Gethsemane and doing so lost that fine linen leaving them naked. (More than likely) Who am I?
Three roosters crowed; three times I denied Jesus. I am very sorry I did this, who am I?
He is known for being one of only 8 people on earth because he obeyed Jehovah. But he also was the biggest financial guru in the bible because he was floating his stock while everyone else was in liquidation.
Some of my qualities are loyalty, humility, and faith. I love my mother in law. Before I met my husband, some might have called him ruthless. Who am I?
We may think of something of monstrous size, power, or appearance. But Job says it is something that eats grass like a bull, has a lot of power, and has bones like tubes of cooper. What I am?
behemoth aka hippopotamus
He pretended to be crazy to avoid being captured and killed.
One time I got in a foot race with a Eunich in a chariot. Who am I?
For the most part he listened to Jehovah, one time he hit a rock with a stick a few times out of anger. Another time he became the biggest law breaker in the bible when he broke all ten commandments at once.
I tried to always listen to and respect my husband but this was very difficult, he was a very mean man. My courage saved our entire household. Who am I?
We may think of something unpleasant that happens when we get food poisoning or morning sickness but in the bible a dog will return it meaning it overindulged in what was bad over and over
The apostles were very zealous, though sometimes their anger and wanting to be first got the better of them. Because of this Jesus called two of them something, what was it?
Sons of Thunder
I had doubts when Jehovah told me to be a mighty warrior. I asked for proof not once but twice. Let's just say, thankfully that wool was dry and then wet.
At a young age I fled from immorality even before it was a law. I also was in the first tennis match in the bible, when I served in Pharoh's court.
I was so beautiful but more importantly I loved Jehovah and I had even better qualities and since I listened and obeyed, I saved my people from a very evil scheme.
Queen Esther
Today, this word is slang for idiot or jerk. I am really a person in the Bible, I did some bad things but I thought I was a great hunter. Fun fact, the slang word started when Bugs Bunny called Elmer Fudd a "poor little ___" making a sarcastic poke at his skills as a hunter and the rest is history.
There once was a king, who had dreams that some would call night mares and others would call prophesies. One led me to losing my mind and acting like a wild beast for 7 years, even eating grass like a animals do. Who am I?
King Nebuchadnezzar
One is missing, which is it.
Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, ______, Thomas, Thaddaeus, Simon, Judas, James.
She pulled her adoptive son from a river but she was also the most business savvy woman in the bible. She went down to the bank of the Nile and pulled out a little prophet.
Pharoh's Daughter
I just wanted to throw a good party but my sister would not help. I even tattled on her but I ended up being the one in the wrong.
Technically this word is not in the NWT but other translations warn to "not leave this for the devil". Today we think of it as a clever way out of a situation that is not technically wrong. But originally this was a term for a cutting in a door or gate in a castle, allowing you to shoot arrows at any approaching danger while remaing safe.
Loop Hole
Jehovah disciplines those He loves but we don't always find ourselves in such a fishy situation like this person.
Who is Uz's brother? (Genesis 22:21)
I had long hair, I was very strong, and I was also a comedian. I really know how to bring the house down.