Plants and animals that live in the same environment.
What are ecosystems?
What constantly happens in a population?
Organisms die out and get reborn.
What is the best way to wipe out a species?
To get rid of the bio diversity.
Percentage of the daily meals that humans consume.
what is one thrids?
What is the ability to make things move or change?
What is energy?
What happens if a system's average death and birth rates are the same?
What is stable?
What is unstable?
What is the average revenue that the honey bees make?
265 Million dollars
What is a model that shows what eats what in an ecosystem?
What is a food web?
What happens if a population dies out faster than it can reproduce?
What is a decrease?
What will happen if you take one thing out of a web of life?
Everything will be affected.
Who said, "if honey bees die out humans will follow"?
Who was Albert Einstein
What are living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria?
What are organisms?
What happens if a system's average birth rate exceeds the death rate?
What is system thrives?
What do humans introduce to ecosystems?
What are non-living things?
What caused honey bee colonies to die out?
What is colony collapse disorder?
What is the result of one cause leading to an effect that causes one or more other effects?
What are indirect effects?
What is happening if a system is not changing?
The value of the input and the output are the same.
How many species depend on other species?
All species.