Contemporary Philosophy
Aesthetics and Visual Arts

This American philosopher, author of 'The Myth of Sisyphus,' is known for his existentialist writings exploring the absurdity of human existence.

Who is Albert Camus?


This British rock band, known for hits like 'Bohemian Rhapsody' and 'We Will Rock You,' was fronted by the charismatic Freddie Mercury.

Who are 'Queen'?


Hue & Value are aspects of this fundamental element of art.

What is color?


This Austrian-British philosopher, known for his work on logic and language, wrote the influential philosophical works 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus' and 'Philosophical Investigations'.

Who is Ludwig Wittgenstein?


In music theory, this term refers to the speed at which a piece of music is played.

What is 'tempo'?


This Dutch post-impressionist painter is known for cutting off his own left ear during a mental health-related episode.

Who is Vincent Van Gogh?


This Slovenian philosopher, known for his provocative and controversial ideas and expressive sniffling tics, has written extensively on subjects ranging from ideology to psychoanalysis.

Who is Slavoj Žižek?


In music notation, this symbol indicates a pitch that is higher in pitch by one semitone.

What is a 'Sharp'?


Andy Warhol's portraits of Marilyn Monroe represent this specific movement in art which took place from the 1950s-60s.

What is pop art?


This group of philosophers and social theorists, associated with critical theory, emerged in the 1920s and 1930s in Germany in response to modernism and logical positivism.

What is the Frankfurt School?


This Icelandic singer-songwriter, known for her ethereal vocals and experimental music, gained international acclaim with albums like 'Homogenic' and 'Vespertine.

Who is Björk?


This ancient Greek philosopher wrote extensively about aesthetics, arguing that art imitates nature and that its purpose is to evoke emotions and bring about catharsis.

Who is Aristotle?


This Danish philosopher famously said, 'The greatest hazard of all, losing one's self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all.

Who is Søren Kierkegaard?


This hip hop sub-genre, characterized by it triplet hi-hates, heavy sub-bass, gritty snares, and deep 808 kick drums, originated in Atlanta and the southern United States in the early 2010s.

What is trap music?


This philosophical term coined by Arthur Danto is comprised of everyone involved in producing, commissioning, presenting, preserving, promoting, chronicling, criticizing, buying and selling fine art. 

What is the art world?