Classic Novels
Landmarks Around the World
Famous Scientists
Animals in Nature
Mythology and Folklore

This Charles Dickens novel opens with the famous line, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

What is "A Tale of Two Cities"?


This iconic structure in Paris was completed in 1889 and was once the tallest building in the world.

What is the Eiffel Tower?


This English mathematician and physicist is best known for his laws of motion and the theory of universal gravitation.

Who is Isaac Newton?


This marine mammal, known for its high intelligence and playful behavior, is often seen in groups and has a beak-like snout.

What is a dolphin?


This Greek hero, known for his 12 labors, was the son of Zeus and is famous for his strength.

Who is Hercules?


In this F. Scott Fitzgerald novel, the titular character hosts extravagant parties on Long Island in the 1920s.

What is "The Great Gatsby"?


This massive stone structure in China was built to protect against invasions and stretches over 13,000 miles.

What is the Great Wall of China?


This Italian polymath painted the "Mona Lisa" and conceptualized inventions like the flying machine and the armored tank.

Who is Leonardo da Vinci?


This underwater creature is known for its deadly sting and has long tentacles that it uses to capture prey.

What is a jellyfish?


This one-eyed giant from Greek mythology is often associated with blacksmiths and forges.

What is a cyclops?


This dystopian novel by George Orwell explores a totalitarian regime led by Big Brother and the consequences of a surveillance state.

What is "1984"?


This large bronze statue in New York Harbor was a gift from France and represents freedom and democracy.

What is the Statue of Liberty?


This German-born physicist developed the theory of relativity and is often recognized for his distinctive hair and mustache.

Who is Albert Einstein?


This large primate is known for its intelligence and use of tools, and is closely related to humans.

What is a chimpanzee?


This Norse god of thunder wields a hammer named Mjolnir and is often depicted with a red beard.

Who is Thor?


This novel by Mary Shelley tells the story of a young scientist who creates a living being from dead body parts.

What is "Frankenstein"?


This ancient Roman amphitheater in Italy is known for its gladiatorial games and is now a popular tourist attraction.

What is the Colosseum?


This British naturalist is known for his theory of evolution by natural selection, documented in his book "On the Origin of Species."

Who is Charles Darwin?


This small Australian marsupial is known for its high-pitched screams and aggressive behavior, and it shares a name with a famous cartoon character.

What is a Tasmanian devil?


This Egyptian god, often depicted with a jackal's head, is the god of mummification and protector of the dead.

Who is Anubis?


This American novel by John Steinbeck follows the Joad family as they travel to California during the Great Depression in search of a better life.

What is "The Grapes of Wrath"?


This ancient site in England features massive stone circles and is believed to have been used for ceremonial or astronomical purposes.

What is Stonehenge?


This pioneering Polish-French scientist was the first person to win two Nobel Prizes, one in physics and one in chemistry.

Who is Marie Curie?


This large African mammal has two species: one with two horns, and another with one. Both are critically endangered due to poaching.

What is a rhinoceros?


This winged horse from Greek mythology sprang from the blood of Medusa and is known for its beauty and power.

What is Pegasus?