More Sleep
Even More Sleep
More Anxiety

This is something people spend approximately one-third of their lives doing.

What is sleeping?


Bright light including that from a computer or television screen hinders the release of this natural sleep hormone in the brain.

What is melatonin?


This substance is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks and some soft drinks and can cause insomnia or restlessness.

What is caffeine?


This psychiatric condition involves excessive uncontrollable worry about everyday things, affects daily functioning and can cause physical symptoms.

What is generalized anxiety disorder?


Inhaling and exhaling, while focusing on the movement of one's chest and diaphragm, describes this technique which can be used to reduce anxiety.

What is deep breathing?


Lowered resilience to stress, increased blood pressure, lowered immune response to vaccinations, negative mood, increased pain, and increased hunger, are all potential impacts of this problem.

What is lack of sleep?


These people have a genetically determined sleep/wake cycle of less than 24 hours, go to bed earlier than others, wake up earlier than others, and tend to have a more positive outlook on life.

What are “morning larks”?


These people have a genetically determined sleep/wake cycle greater than 24 hours, go to bed later than others, wake up later than others, and are more prone to depression and alcohol abuse.

What are “night owls”?


This psychiatric condition is commonly associated with anxiety.

What is depression?


This involves the abrupt onset of an episode of intense fear or discomfort, which peaks in approximately 10 minutes. It can involve rapid heart rate, sweating, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, and numbness/tingling.

What is a panic attack?


These are major determinants of a person’s circadian rhythm or sleep/wake schedule.

What are light exposure, eating patterns and activity levels?


Daytime napping can cause this problem at night.

What is insomnia?


If you cannot fall asleep within this time period, you should get out of bed and do something boring in dim light.

What is 15-20 minutes?


These are common side effects of benzodiazepines (e.g. Xanax/alprazolam, Ativan/lorazepam, Klonopin/clonazepam) which are fast acting drugs for anxiety.

What are sedation, dizziness, dependency, memory loss, and falls?


This psychiatric condition involves intense fear of being embarrassed or evaluated negatively by others, resulting in avoidance of social situations.

What is social anxiety disorder?


This is a stage of sleep that involves loss of muscle tone, vivid dreaming, and production of testosterone.

What is rapid eye movement (REM) sleep?


This condition involves abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep and is associated with an increased risk of having depression or PTSD.

What is obstructive sleep apnea?


These are ways to promote healthy sleep.

What are meditation, relaxing muscles, turning off lights, avoiding alcohol, avoiding caffeine, not reading in bed, not watching television in bed, not using electronic devices in bed?


This drug is commonly used to treat anxiety and is classified as an antihistamine.

What is hydroxyzine (brand names: Vistaril, Atarax)?


This is a common type of drug that can be used to treat both anxiety and depression but it can take several weeks to take effect.

What are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs?)


During wakefulness, adenosine rises in the brain and promotes sleepiness. This commonly consumed substance temporarily increases alertness by blocking adenosine.

What is caffeine?


This is how your bedroom should be when you are sleeping.

What is comfortable, cool, dark, and quiet?


This is an herb often used in a tea to promote sleep at night.

What is chamomile?


This treatment involves the use of safe environments to reduce fear and decrease avoidance of feared objects, activities, or situations.

What is exposure therapy?


Ophidiophobia and cynophobia are the fear of what animals?

What are snakes and dogs?