Also a talented physicist, this scientist laid the foundation for the theory of special and general relativity.
Who is Albert Einstein
This quarterback wears jeans, and when he doesn't, likes sending pictures of his johnson to women
Who is Brett Favre
Billy Joel saw the lights go out in this part of Manhattan
What is Broadway
Obviously, you are not one of these athletes who frequents Pebble Beach
A staple on gameday, and also a psychopath
Who is Heather
This 18th Century German mathematician is famous for having his name mispronounced and solving the famous bridges of Konigsberg problem
Who is Leonhard Euler
The current striker for Tottenham Hotspur (Hah! That football too!)
Who is Harry Kane
Mr. Caccitore's is on this street, across from the medical center
Where is Sullivan St.
The dude checked in when he wanted AND gets to leave his taxi after complaining about this band
Who are The Eagles
Jack's Brother in-law
Who is Brad Wright
This beautiful mind won the Nobel prize in economics for his contributions to game theory.
Who is John Nash
This former quarterback was featured frequently in memes with a cigarette.
Who is Smokin' Jay Cutler
Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon
Studebaker, Television
North Korea, South Korea
Who is Marilyn Monroe
The Supreme Court has widely rejected this concept
What is Prior Restraint
"He might be dead", they sang at midnight drummer's circle
Who is Andrew "subs" Marino
This famous mathematician made several contributions to the theory of minimal surfaces, but is perhaps much more well known for being the CEO of the quantitative hedge fund Reinassance Tech
Who is Jim Simons
Aaron Rodgers is engaged to this famous actress.
Who is Shailene Woodley
Brenda and Eddy were still going steady in the summer of this year
When is 1975
Young Larry Sellers lives in this neighborhood of LA, near the In-And-Out Burger
Where is North Hollywood on Radford
Jack's senior year band buddy
Who is John Lyke
The first female recipient of the Fields Medal.
Who is Maryam Mirzikhani
This former SEC quarterback is the most rostered player on Jack's dynasty fantasy football teams
Who is Matthew Stafford
You may be this if you say this word, but I may be crazy.
What is Right
How are you gonna keep 'em on the farm when they meet this nihilist, star of Log Jammin'
Who is Karl Hungus