Discuss what occurs when adults enter a period in which a new life structure is required.
Give an example of an event that may require a new life structure.
1. Levinson describes the period of adjustment as the novice phase.
2. Then, in the mid-era phase adults become more competent at meeting the new challenges through reassessment and reorganization of the life structure they created during the novice phase.
3. In the culmination phase stability is returned when adults have succeeded in creating a life structure that allows them to manage the demands of the new developmental challenges.
Example:getting married.
1. Adults need the novice phase to adjust.
2. Then in the mid-era phase, through trial-and-error and reassessing different parts of the life structure adults become more competent at meeting the new challenges marriage has brought up.
3. Finally, in the culmination phase, the married couple would be able to successfully manage the new developmental challenges associated with their new marriage confidently.