The the oldest continuously inhabited city on earth.
What is Damascus?
This city is known as the birthplace of Pizza.
What is Naples?
This city produces more movies than any other in the world.
What is Bombay/Mumbai/Bollywood?
The world's first manmade nuclear reactor was built under the west viewing stands of the football stadium of the university of this city
What is Chicago?
This city was built on seven hills.
What is Rome?
This city was believed to be a legend until first discovered by the archeologist Heinrich Schliemann in 1870.
What is Troy?
The cows whose product is named for this city, get massages.
What is Kobe?
A Tyrannosaurus Rex was let loose in this city in a Jurassic Park movie.
What is San Diego?
Sir William Rowan Hamilton carved his epiphany that led to vectors, on what is now nicknamed the "Quaternion Bridge" in this city.
What is Dublin?
This metropolis was once known for its system of sprawling floating farms and is built on a lake.
What is Mexico City?
Daily Double: These cities are the first and second capital of a South American Country.
What is La Paz and Sucre?
Ducks are bred specifically to make this entré which has this cities namesake.
What is Peking/Beijing?
"Here's looking at you kid" is a line of a famous movie named after this city.
What is Casablanca?
Napalm was tested on the soccer field of in a famous university in this city.
What is Cambridge?
This city, named after the island for which it is located, is actually a penisula, only because its manmade.
What is Coronado?
This city has the worlds fastest average internet speeds at 156.18 Mbps.
What is Seoul?
This city has a pepper named after it, yet the pepper is actually from Mexico.
What is Havana?
This movie is named after a city often considered the coldest in the contiguous 48 U.S. States.
What is Fargo?
Daily Double: Eratosthenes proved the earth was round and measured its circumference by comparing the angle cast by shadows ofthese two cities in 240 B.C.
What is Alexandria and Syene?
This capitol city wraps around the eastern slopes of an active volcano.
What is Quito?
This ancient city was discovered by a satellite and is believed to be the oldest discovered.
What is Tel Brak?
This city is the waffle capitol of the world.
What is Bruges?
This city is the second largest producer of movies worldwide
What is Lagos/Nollywood?
The preserved brain The Prince of Mathematics, Carl Friedrich Gauss, is currently stored at this city's university.
What is Gottingen?
This city built an island to put an international airport on.
What is Kansai?