History She Lived: 1938 - Present
Home Sweet
Art, Poetry and Prose
Great/Grand Names and Nearby

This public figure drafted the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and also bestowed an award on the young Clara. 

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt? 


This famous site near Haines Falls is featured in a poem by William Cullen Bryan, a novel by Allegra Goodman and a painting by Thomas Cole. 

What is Kaaterskill Falls? 


This Jeopardy Host successfully made it to his 80th year. 

Who is Alex Trebek? 

This woman artist grew up at La Casa Azul, denounced colonialism and tended the wounded with her mom during the Mexican Revolution. 

Who is Frida Kahlo? 


This grandkid has no aspirations of becoming part of a military dictatorship as far as we know, although her namesake did. 

Who is Eva? 


This year a famous wall fell near the current home of one of the grandkids, marking the end of the Cold War. 

What is 1991? (Berlin Wall) 


This person is the current mayor of Clara's home state, and what a mayor! 

Who is Michelle Wu? 


This American folk artist began painting in earnest at 78. In her 88th year, she was famously named "Young Woman of the Year" for her art by Madamoiselle magazine. 

Who is Grandma Moses? 


This not-so sane character from Alice in Wonderland recites the following, "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Bat!/ How I wonder where you're at/ Up above the world you fly/ Like a tea tray in the sky." 

Who is the Mad Hatter?  


This grandkid may be a dreamer, like his namesake, who dreamt of climbing to heaven. 

Who is Jacob? 


The location from which the following words were written in a famous 1963 letter: "We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly." 

What is Birmingham Jail? 


This 1998 Nora Ephron film featured the same Upper West Side neighborhood as 41 West 82nd Street? 

What is You Got Mail? 


This composer wrote his first comic opera at age 80. 

Who is Verdi? 


This postmodern novel of over 1000 pages from 1996, that doubled as a Yankee Swap gift was read by Clara in an effort to keep up with her grandkids.

What is Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace.  


This theatrical kid could also be a Puerto-Rican actor, and they once took a pic together. 

Who is Benicio (del Toro)? 


When mom was 31 years old, living in Washington Heights with two young children, these two arrived where no one had gone before and proclaimed, "That one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." 

Who is Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin? 


Florida can certainly seem like a different planet. Maybe that's why this hometown to Tiger Woods and The Turtle Museum is named after one.  

What is Jupiter? 


This famous activist, actress and trainer was the co-star of a show at 83. She also did the narration for Ricky Ian Gordon's opera on Grapes of Wrath. 

Who is Jane Fonda? 


The 19th century American poet lived and wrote in Brooklyn, and his birth place is Huntington Long Island, not far from here. 

Who is Walt Whitman? 


If this grandkid were French, they would double as a small cake to dip in tea, one taste of which might bring back the past. 

Who is Madalena? 


In 2009, Clara cheered when this woman became the first Latina U.S. Supreme Court Justice. 

Who is Sonia Sotomayor? 


These two famous musicals feature specific locales lived in by Clara Kozol. 

What is West Side Story and In the Heights. 


At a restaurant one night, Clara and Robby hid from this Norwegian actress and client, also born in 1938, famous for depicting Nora from A Doll's House on stage, as the lover of Ingmar Bergmann and later the wife of real estate mogul Donald Saunders.  

Who is Liv Ullmann? 


The author of these words, a line that could be seen as Clara's motto: "Live all you can; it's a mistake not to." 

Who is Henry James? Or better yet, who is Strether in The Ambassadors by Henry James. 


This member of the clan, by rights should have a promising career in the solar power industry. 

Who is Apollo?