
What are fractions?

Fractions represent a part of a whole, a number divided in equal parts, or how many parts of a size there are, eg; three quarters


What are Decimals?

Decimals are certain forms we use to use fractions as single numbers. It shows where the fractional part of a number begins.


What are Percentages?

Percentages are numbers which represent fractions out of 100. 


Why are fluids important?

Fluids are important to understand, as they account for transport in nature, artificial made materials, and are within all living organisms. By fluids, we can even tell our health by blood flow.


What was the purpose for the War of Independence?

Colonies weren't pleased by the fact that there was less governance. American rebels wanted to fight against Nova Scotia and Canada, which failed, however, won against Britain in the 13 colonies.


How do we represent fractions visually and in writing?

Visually: chart model with bars or linear models (number lines)In writing: use dashes/hyphens to separate the numerator and denominator.


How can a decimal be expressed as a fraction?          9/10 as a fraction?

Since decimals are non-integer numbers, place the decimal number over it's place value, as a fraction numerator. eg; 0.9: 9/10


How can we determine the percent of any given number?

Simply divide the number by the whole, then multiply by 100.


What are factors that affect fluid flow?

Factors that affect fluid flow are pressure, viscosity and the system's structure.


What were the difficulties of the transcontinental railroad?

In every company, the workers faced unexplained construction issues; from mountains, severe weather, and the hostility of Native Americans.


How to take a fraction of a group of numbers?         5 x 2/5

By using multiplication and division, divide the denominator and then times it by the numerator           Ans: 2


How can diagrams interpret equivalent fractions?

Diagrams help us interpret fractions more visually and easier as we can tell it represents the same portion of a whole instead of multiplying the numerator and denominator with the same number.


Why are percentages related to decimals and fractions? 3/100: 0.03: percent?

Since percents are ratios, ratios are written as fractions, and fractions are written as decimals.            Ans: 3%


Are compressible and incompressible fluids related to viscosity?

Yes. Compressible fluids have low viscosity and density, while incompressible fluids have high viscosity and density.


What were the major technological advancements in Canada 1911?

There were mostly planes, air service, telecommunication, refrigeration, powered farming, radio, etc...


Why are fractions important in general life?

Fractions help us measure objects and quantities precisely, tell the time, and in finance (discounts)


How to compare and order fractions according to their numerical value?

Compare the equivalent fractions by the numerators, and the fraction's greater depending on the numerator, and for ordering, go by ascending to descending or opposite by the larger numerator.


Are fractions related to proportions? And division?proportions: equal ratios                       

Yes. Proportions can be converted as a percentage by timing the result by 100, and it is to division, since the symbol % means divided by 100. eg; 32%: 32/100: 8/25.


What do you think might happen if cohesion would've been stronger than adhesion?

If the adhesive forces between a liquid and a surface are stronger, they will pull the liquid down, causing it to wet the surface, but if the cohesive forces among the liquid itself are stronger, it'll cause the liquid to take up a spherical shape.


How did experiences of Indigenous soldiers like Francis Pegahmagabow during World War 1 shape their identities and contributions to Canadian Society?

 They worked in war factories and increased agricultural production on their reserves. First Nations peoples also contributed some reserve lands.


What is another word for numerator and denominator? (Bonus; extra point)

Numerator: cardinal number eg; five   Denominator: ordinal number eg; fifths    .They indicate an amount of the fraction


What do you call a decimal which goes on forever? (Bonus; extra point)

A non-terminating decimal, recurring decimal, or even pi. Put a bar over it.


What is the abbreviation for percentages? (Bonus; extra point)

pct or pc: percentage


When does the viscosity of fluids increase, and decrease? (Bonus; extra point)

As temperature increases, the viscosity of a fluid decreases, and when temperature decreases, the viscosity of a fluid increases. 


What was the relationship between aboriginals and voyageurs really like? (Bonus; extra point)

Aboriginals and voyageurs shared a positive relationship with each other. Men who worked in the fur trade shared it with the Indigenous, while voyageurs were sent to support the Indigenous for long as they were meant to be employed.