How does God reveals his will through the prophets?
The warning system of the church
What is Apostasy?
"Turning away from the truth"
Who is the true gospel teacher?
The holy ghost
What is immortality or life without end?
A free gift to all Heavenly Father's children who chose to come to earth and follow Jesus.
What is the promise of D&C 1:37-38?
Words of Jesus will all be fulfilled, whether through His own voice or the voice of His servants, the prophets.
What is the only true and living church on the face of the earth?
The church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints
What are true principles demonstrated through the early persecution of Joseph as a young man?
Knowledge from God is true even if the world rejects it. We must remain true, even if hated or persecuted.
What are the three parts to the equation for learning the gospel (also the learning triangle?)
Teacher, Student, & Holy Ghost
What is eternal life?
Life without end in the presence of Heavenly Father.
What does D&C 6:36 state?
Look unto Jesus Christ in every thought, doubt not, fear not
What is the origin(when it was first talked about) of the Godhead?
The first truth revealed to Joseph Smith during the first vision.
What is the scripture Joseph read in the New Testament James 1:4-5 that led him to find an answer to his question about which church to join?
"Let him ask of God, nothing wavering...."
What is one experience that you can describe (learn) for someone else
🍫 Chocolate 🍫
What are the 2 obstacles preventing us from returning home to live with Heavenly Father?
Sin and death
*bonus question* What two things did Joseph liked to do in his free time?
What is the truth revealed in D&C 8:2-3?
The Holy Ghost reveals truth to your mind and heart
What are two truths told to Joseph Smith during the first vision?
God knows us personally (by name) and the true church was to be restored (not on the earth at the time)
What is the state of religious affairs in the area where the Smith family lived at the time Joseph was a young boy?
Religious ferver, excitement, and confusion
What is a covenant?
A sacred agreement between you and your Heavenly Father.
What is a "doctrine"?
A fundamental, eternal truth
What is the counsel given to Joseph by the Savior in D&C 10:5?
Pray always that you may conquer Satan.
What is the sealing power?
Priesthood authority/key promised by Moroni to be restored by Elijah.
What is the event that occurred when Joseph was praying to know his standing before God having "fell into many foolish errors and displaying the weaknesses of youth"?
The angel Moroni appeared in the room of Joseph Smith and told him his name would be had for good and evil among all nations and that there was a record for him to translate.
What is the priesthood?
Authority to receive ordinances and covenants of salvation
What are the steps required to learn and internalize truth?
Study and act
What is the event of the restoration depicted in D&C 13:1?
Aaronic priesthood restored to the earth under the hands of John the baptism.