
This theme park opened in Anaheim, CA. in 1955.

A. Disneyland

B. Universal Studios

C. Adventure City

D. Six Flags

A: Disneyland


In 1967, this man became the first African-American U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

A. Clarence Thomas

B. Wade McCree

C. Thurgood Marshall

D. James Parsons

C: Thurgood Marshall


This T.V. show about growing up in the 50s starred Henry Winkler as Arthur "the Fonz" Fonzarelli.

A. Taxi

B. The Brady Bunch

C. All in the Family

D. Happy Days

D: Happy Days


In 1983, she was the first woman in space.

A. Sally Ride

B. Sandra Ryder

C. Samantha Ride

D. Suzie Ryder

A: Sally Ride


This famous football player was arrested for double murder.

A. Aaron Hernandez

B. O.J. Simpson

C. Josh Bellamy

D. Michael Floyd

B: O.J. Simpson


She refused to give up her seat on a public bus, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

A. Roseanne Parks

B. Rosa Parker

C. Rosa Parks

D. Rose Parks

C: Rosa Parks


Martin Luther King, Jr. gave this iconic speech in 1963 during the march on Washington.

A. I want a dream

B. My dream is big

C. I have a dream

D. Dream big

C: I Have a Dream


John Travolta starred in the 1977 movie about becoming the king of the disco.

A. Saturday Night Fever

B. Disco

C. Roller Boogie

D. Secret Disco Revolution

A: Saturday Night Fever


This volcano, located in Washington, erupted in 1980.

A. Mount St. Adams

B. Mount St. Helena

C. Mount St. Helens

D. Mount St. Anns

C: Mount St. Helens


This member of British Royalty died in a car crash while being followed by paparazzi.

A. Princess Diana

B. Princess Elizabeth

C. Princess Kate

D. Princess Anne

A: Princess Diana


This is the name of the generation born during the 1950s.

A. Generation X

B. Baby Boomers

C. Millennials

D. Baby Bouncers

B: Baby Boomers


This band, already popular in Great Brittan, appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in February 1964, sparking their place in U.S. pop culture.

A. The Beatles

B. The Rolling Stones

C: The Animals

D: The Who

A: The Beatles


This band made a T.V. appearance for a Halloween special because they are famous for their costumes and make-up.

A. Village People

B: Kiss

C: Twisted Sister

D. Gwar

B: Kiss


This is Michael Jackson's 13 minute music video about the undead and is considered the most influential pop music video of all time.

A. Thriller

B. Monster

C. Zombie

D. Bad

A: Thriller


The L.A. Riots occurred after the verdict of this person's trial.

A. Ronald Kane

B. Ronny Cook

C. Roger Carney

D. Rodney King

D: Rodney King


This is the title of Elvis Presley's first hit song, released on January 27, 1956.

A. Hound Dog

B. Blue Christmas

C. Always on My Mind

D. Heartbreak Hotel

D: Heartbreak Hotel


He said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

A. President Lyndon Johnson

B. President John F. Kennedy

C. Martin Luther King Jr.

D. Vince Lombardi

B: President John F. Kennedy


The 37th, 38th, and 39th U.S. Presidents who were in office during this decade (1969-1974, 1974-1977, 1977-1981).

A. Nixon, Ford, Reagan

B. Johnson, Nixon, Ford

C. Kennedy, Johnson, Carter

D. Nixon, Ford, Carter

D: Nixon, Ford, Carter.


This is the first woman to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

A. Sandra D. O'Neil

B. Sandra Day O'Connor

C. Sally Day O'Connor

D. Sally D. O'Neil

B: Sandra Day O'Connor


This U.S. President was impeached in 1998.

A. Bill Clinton

B. George Bush

C. Ronald Reagan

D. Jimmy Carter

A. Bill Clinton


This landmark U.S. Supreme Court case declared separate public schools for black and white students as unconstitutional.

A. Brown v. the Board of Education

B. Bethel School District v. Fraser

C. Cooper v. Aaron

D. United States v. Lopez 

A: Brown v. the Board of Education


The person who assassinated President John F. Kennedy.

A. John Wilkes Booth

B. John Hinckley Jr.

C. Lee Harvey Oswald

D. Richard Lawrence

C: Lee Harvey Oswald


This is the location of the U.S. Nuclear Power Plant that had a partial core meltdown on March 28, 1979.

A. Two Mile Island

B. Three Mile Island

C. Six Mile Island

D. Five Mile Island

B: Three Mile Island


This iconic barrier fell in 1989.

A. Berlin Wall

B. Long Wall of Athens

C. Great Wall of China

D. West Bank Wall

A: Berlin Wall


The name of this NASA telescope launched into space in 1990.

A. James Webb Telescope

B. Hubble Telescope

C. Galileo's Telescope

D. Spitzer Space Telescope

B: Hubble Telescope