Water on the Daily
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Earth Trivia
Animal Trivia
Rain Forest Trivia
This ocean is the largest body salt water body in the world.

What is the Pacific Ocean? . Covering approximately 59 million square miles and containing more than half of the free water on Earth.


This is the process to create new items from old and used materials. This helps in reducing energy and potentially useful materials from being wasted.

What is recycling? Recycling is a part of waste disposal hierarchy – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

This month is the month where Earth is closet to the Sun.
What is January? 
This is the average time it takes for a sloth to climb up and down one tree.

What is 1 day? The sloth is a very slow moving animal. It often takes one day to climb up and down a tree. Try again, there is less than five layers in a Rain forest.

The Rain Forest is considered to have this many layers.

What is Four? The layers of a rainforest, from the highest to the lowest, are:

- Emergent layer (the tops of the highest trees) 

- Canopy layer (the branches and leaves of most of the rainforest trees; where most of the rainforest’s species are found)

- Understory layer (small trees and shrubs able to live in low-light conditions)

- Forest Floor layer (the dark, damp ground layer, where the rainforest’s largest animals are found)

Nearly 65% of all water used in a persons home comes from this room. 

What is the bathroom?  This is the spot where you can conserve tons of water by taking shorter showers, fixing leaking taps and turning the water off when you brush your teeth. To flush a toilet we use 7.5 to 26.5 litres (2 to 7 gallons) of water. In a five-minute shower we use 95 to 190 litres (25 to 50 gallons) of water. To brush your teeth you use 7.5 litres (2 gallons) of water. 

Recycling helps reduces this gas admission into the air. 

What are greenhouse gases? The major greenhouse gases (GHG’s) solely responsible for greenhouse effect are Carbon dioxide, Ozone, Methane and Water vapor. 

The Earth is this number of planet away from the sun.

What is the third?  the only world known to support an atmosphere with free oxygen, oceans of liquid water on the surface and — the big one — life.

This tiny bird is the only bird known to fly backwards.
What is the hummingbird?
What is the largest tropical rain forest on Earth?
What is the Amazon? It is as large as the continental US.
This is the largest freshwater lake in the world.

What is Lake Superior? Lake Superior’s the lakehead of the five Great Lakes of North America. This is the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area, and the third largest by volume. Nothing in North America’s larger by either measure.

This is how many trees it takes to make the Sunday Paper.
What is 500 000 trees? If you receive 1 newspaper a day, it took the above amount to create that paper  from non-recycled materials. 
This trench is considered to be the deepest trench on Earth.

What is the Mariana Trench? The deepest point on the ocean floor is 35,813 feet (10,916 meters) below sea level in the Mariana Trench. 

This breed of horse is often the breed that you will see at the race horses.
What is the thoroughbred? 
This well known act by humans is a major cause of species extinction in the rain forest and generally wreaks havoc in the jungle.

What is deforestation? Cattle ranching is the leading cause of deforestation in the Amazon rain forest. Rain forests are being cut down at the rate of 100 acres per minute!

Water is made up of these two elements.

What is Oxygen and Hydrogen? 2 Hydrogen atoms and an Oxygen atom, that are bond together due to electrical charges. By this charge a water molecule is created. 

This European country is said to be the most "green" and recycles more than any other country in the world. 

What is Germany? (According to Forbes magazine).  65 percent of its waste is being recycled. This is nearly double what the United States has. Number two on the list is South Korea with 59 percent. And a tie for third, Austria and Slovenia with 58 percent. Canada is said to only recycle 24 percent of their waste. 

Scientists believe that Earth's continents were once all connected. This is the name they gave the 'super' continent.

What is Pangea? Pangea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras. It assembled from earlier continental units approximately 335 million years ago, and it began to break apart about 175 million years ago. 


The llama is a domesticated camelid that is native to this continent.

What is South America?
True or False: If the Amazon Rain Forest was considered a country, would it rank in the top 10 for being one of the largest countries? 
What is true? It would be considered the 9th largest country. Falling in between Argentina and Kazakhstan. 
This is the average amount of water found in an adult human body.

What is 37 Liters? The brain is 75% water, bones 25%, and blood 83%. 

This is the most recycled item in the world.

What is aluminum cans?  Aluminum cans can be recycled over and over again. Recycling your soda and juice cans takes 95 percent less energy than creating new aluminum cans. The energy expended to manufacture one new can could produce 20 recycled cans.

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This layer surrounds the Earth atmosphere protecting it from the harsh UV light from the sun. 

What is the Ozone layer?  The ozone layer is mainly found in the lower portion of the stratosphere, from approximately 20 to 30 kilometers above Earth, although its thickness varies seasonally and geographically.

This animal has the longest gestation (pregnancy) in the wild.
What is the African Elephant? Roughly 660 days. 
This is why the rain forest is considered to be the world's lungs. 
What is it replaces the air's carbon dioxide with oxygen? The Amazon produces 1/5th of the worlds oxygen.