Context Clues
Context Clues II
Main Idea
Supporting Details
Chronological Order

After Lily left home for college, her dad tried to sell the computer games she had played when she was little. However, he soon discovered they were OBSOLETE because no one had a GameCube anymore. 

The word OBSOLETE means: a) too easy b) out of date c) boring

b) out of date


The children danced to the music with merry JUBILATION. 

What does JUBILATION mean? a) delight b) distress c) surprise

a) delight


A 1943 copper penny could be worth as much as 50 thousand dollars. In 1943, most pennies were made out of steel since copper was needed for World War II, so the 1943 copper penny is very rare. Another rarity is the 1955 double die penny. These pennies were mistakenly double stamped, so they have overlapping dates and letters. If it doesn't show signs of wear and is still shiny, it can easily be sold for $25,000 at an auction. Now that’s a pretty penny! 

What is the main idea of this passage?

Rare pennies are worth a lot of money.


Which supporting detail does not go along with the main idea of the jobs of bees?

a) Bees are black and yellow. b) Queen bees run the hive. c) Worker bees work outside of the hive. d) Drones take care of the hive and the bee eggs.

a) Bees are black and yellow.


Alexis was swinging on the swings when she heard a "SNAP"! What do you think will happen next?

Alexis' swing will break and she will fall.


After we went to the store we went home. Then we set up for the party. Finally, we cooked food and waited for the people to arrive.

What are the three chronological order signal words in the passage?

After, then, finally


Mrs. Jones was nervous about flying on an airplane. She had never flown before. Her daughter REASSURED her by telling her that planes are very safe. 

What does REASSURED mean? a) comforted b) reminded c) forced d) lied to

a) comforted


The substitute teacher felt EXASPERATED because she could not get the students to stop talking and listen. 

What does EXASPERATED mean? a) lonely b) frustrated c) depressed d) happy

b) frustrated


When we hear the term "reality" applied to a show, we might expect that the events on the show occurred naturally and were not scripted. This is not always the case. Many reality shows occur in unreal environments, like rented mansions occupied by film crews. Such living environments do not reflect what most people understand to be "reality." Worse, there have been accusations that events not captured on film were later re-created by producers. Worse still, some involved in the production of "reality" television claim that the participants were urged to act out story lines that were planned out by producers. With such accusations floating around, it's no wonder many people take reality TV to be about as real as the sitcom.

What is the main idea of this passage?

"Reality" TV shows do not actually show real-life events or environments.


Which supporting detail does NOT go with the main idea of how to make a pizza

a) Put the pizza in the oven for 20 minutes. b) Add tomato sauce, cheese, and other toppings to the dough. c) Pizza is a type of Italian food. d) Slice the pizza into 8 piece and enjoy!

c) Pizza is a type of Italian food.


"This needs some help!" Jazmyne said, as she poured hot sauce into her chili. 

What can you infer about the flavor of the food?

It wasn't spicy enough.


What To Do If Your Car Overheats

First, pull over to the side of the road. Once you are parked, open the hood. When the car cools off, you may drive again.

What are the three signal words in the passage?

First, once, when

The meadow was full of wildflowers. There were not many large plants and trees were SPARSE, which allowed so many flowers to grow. 

What does SPARSE mean? a) many b) few c) large d) ugly

b) few


Tanya's mother drives slowly when she gets close to the school and is careful to watch for PEDESTRIANS on their way to school. 

What would be a synonym for PEDESTRIANS? a) people walking b) pretty scenery c) fruit stands d)pets

a) people walking


One of the strangest animals to exist is the platypus. The platypus is one of few venomous mammals. Male platypus carry a venom mixture in their ankles. This venom incapacitates victims with excruciating pain. Stranger still, the platypus is the only mammal that uses electroreception. That means that the platypus uses its bill to sense the electricity produced by the muscular movements of its prey. Electroreception is a sixth sense, different from seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or feeling. Perhaps most odd, the platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs rather than giving birth to live young. What an odd creature indeed!

What is the main idea of the passage?

The platypus is a very strange and unique animal. 


Which supporting detail does NOT go with the main idea of giraffes are unique animals?

a) Giraffes are the tallest mammal in the world. b) Giraffes sleep for only 20 minutes a day to stay alert for predators. c) Lions live near giraffes. d) Giraffes' fur varies in color from white to nearly black, depending on what they eat and where they live.

c) Lions live near giraffes.


Tre and Kylee tiptoed to the closet, where they found a large box wrapped in colorful paper. "You gotta promise not to tell!" Tre said. Kylee nodded. They carefully found a spot where tape was affixed to the boxes and lifted the paper, peering at the box. A few seconds later, they firmly pushed the tape back down and shut the door. 

What did Tre and Kylee do?

They snuck a peek at a present before they were supposed to get it.


When I wake up in the morning, I brush my teeth and wash my face. Next, I get dressed. After that, I put makeup on and eat breakfast.

What are the three signal words in the passage?

When, next, after


Arnold approached the snake CAUTIOUSLY. He thought it was dead, but he didn't know for sure. 

What does CAUTIOUSLY mean? a) quickly b) carefully c) carelessly d) angrily 

b) carefully


Susie could smell the AROMA of freshly baking bread as soon as she walked into the kitchen. 

What does AROMA mean? a) scent b) sound c) stink d) flour

a) scent


Fellow Members of the Springfield Robotics Club: we have a problem. It has come to my attention that the workshop has been left an absolute mess on at least two separate occasions. Remember, that this is a shared space, so we must clean up behind ourselves after every meeting. If everyone puts their tools back immediately after using them, there will be minimal mess to clean up, and we won't get kicked out of the spot. So, if you like having a meeting place, and being part of our club, put your tools back after every meeting!

What is the main idea of this passage?

The Robotics club needs to clean up after meetings.


Which supporting detail does NOT belong in this paragraph? 

a) In December, people celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and other celebrations. b) In February, people celebrate Valentine's Day. c) My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. d) People celebrate the Fourth of July in the summer.

c) My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.


Jason put together his new kite. He attached the string and the tail. He held his kite in the air and started to run. "Wow!" said Jason. "This is the highest my kite has ever gone." 

How was the weather on this day?

a) powerful Clues -- not stop thinking about it


What does "chronological order" mean?

Putting things in time order (the order in which they happen)


Adrian liked his new laptop computer because it was light and PORTABLE, so he could take it with him everywhere! 

What does PORTABLE mean? a) small b) movable c) high-tech d) silver

b) movable


Luke was COMPENSATED for the yard work he had done over the summer. He spent the money he had earned on a new bike.

 What does COMPENSATED mean? a)thanked b) complimented c) paid d) insulted

c) paid


Before you put on that skeleton costume and travel door-to-door begging for candy on Halloween, take a minute to reflect on this tradition. Halloween is believed to have come from an ancient Celtic festival dating back to 2,000 years ago. November 1st was the Celtic New Year and marked the end of summer. The Celts celebrated the evening before by wearing costumes made of animal skins and dancing around bon fires. Over the next 2000 years, this primitive celebration grew to be the candy-fueled costume ball that we know today. 

What is the main idea of this passage?

Halloween evolved from an ancient Celtic festival. 


Which supporting detail does NOT belong with the main idea of there are many helpers in the community?

a) Firefighters help keep people safe. b) Teachers help students learn. c) Mail carriers deliver packages and mail. d) Zookeepers have a fun job.

d) Zookeepers have a fun job.


"How do people eat with these things? Can't I just ask for a fork?" Dondre asked. "Try holding them like this," his father suggested, as he held them above his chicken fried rice. "You'll get better with practice." 

What object is Dondre complaining about?



What type of graphic organizer would you use on a chronological order passage?

A timeline