I listen to the teacher
What is "J'écoute le professeur"
What is "rose"
Hola! como estas?
What is Spanish / Espagnole
What is "la tour Eiffel"
What is the age you start to drive in the UK?
What is "dix sept" (17)
mange la cantine je à
What is "I eat in the canteen"
This is the colour of bananas, school busses and some peppers to name a few
What is "Jaune"
E=mc ²
What is "Les maths"
What is a "sac à dos" ?
What is "a backpack"
How many months are there in a year?
What is "douze" (12)
What is "Je parle avec mes copains"
J'ai besoin de prendre une douche après ce cours
What is "L'EPS ou éducation physique & sportive"
How do you say pineapple en français?
what is "ananas"
What year are we in?
what is "deux mille vingt" 2020
Je lis un livre
What is "I read a book"
These are our three QMA school colours
What are "BLEU, ROUGE & JAUNE"
Which subject has the coolest teachers?
What is French / the modern languages department of course!
This type of bread originates from France
What is "a baguette"
What time does la récréation take place
What is "dix heures vingt cinq" (10:25)
I write in my jotter
What is "j'écris dans mon cahier"
Other shades of this colour include: chartreuse, lime, mint, and forrest
what is VERT
What is "l'informatique"
What international film festival takes place in southern France each year?
Hint: starts with "C"
What is "Cannes"
what year is: mille-neuf-cent-quatre-vingt-dix-neuf
what is 1999