This coach made a grand entrance into the league by being the first coach to take down birdido in week 10 of the regular season.
Jorges Kartana was set to sweep Quincy's team week 1 but was lured by his Togekiss holding this item.
Babiri Berry.
The signature Z-move of Snorlax has this name.
Pulverizing Pancake.
The longest game of the season and perhaps in SSBL history in terms of turns was played between these 2 coaches.
Zooch & Quincy
Typically drafted a few rounds later, everyone was stunned to see this Pokemon get drafted in round 2.
Astoria's Klekfi
E-Killer arceus is a set known for what type of Arceus.
This coach's record was tied with another coach in his division for the 2nd seed but narrowly missed out on playoffs due to having a lower differential.
Alex | Chicago Chikoritas
Typically known as a leftovers or rocky helmet user, this pokemon layed out massive damage with a choice specs in week 1.
Nef's Slowbro.
This item can be traded to Mr. Pokemon to obtain the EXP Share in generation 2.
This OU staple pokemon could take a super effective Z Fusion bolt from Kyurem-Black if EV'd correctly.
Toxapex. 252 Atk Teravolt Kyurem-Black Gigavolt Havoc (180 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Toxapex: 256-302 (84.2 - 99.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery
Prior to generation III, this water type move was a signature move.
Crabhammer - Krabby/Kingler
In the anime, Ash's pikachu learned volt tackle by doing this.
Accidentally using quick attack after storing electricity.