Common Business idioms
International fun facts

Which of the following is correct? 

A. The candidate promised not to raise taxes when elected. 

B. The candidate promised not to rise taxes when elected. 


A. The candidate promised not to raise taxes when elected.


Fill in the blank: The Olympian was ____ in his interview. He said that he won because he was lucky. 

A. idealistic

B. intimidating

C. stubborn

D. humble

D. humble


This type of writing explains things.  

A. description

B. exposition

C. argumentation

D. narrative

B. exposition. 

Exposition writing "explains" or "informs." Most of the writing we do is expository. When we write expositions, we are exposing the reader to specific information. 


What does it mean to do things by the book?

To do things "by the book" means to do things according to company policy or law. It means to follow the rules 100%.


How many countries make up Central America?

7 Countries.

Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.


Which of the following is correct?

A. Neither students nor their teacher is participating in this play.

B. Neither students nor their teach are participating in this play. 

A. Neither students nor their teacher is participating in this play.


Fill in the blank: Bob had a(n)___yesterday. He realized that the meaning of life is to obtain happiness by making others happy. 

A) interference

B) revelation

C) accident

D) glimmer

B. revelation


This type of writing tries to persuade the reader to think about something in a new way or take a certain action. 

A. description

B. exposition

C. argumentation

D. narrative

C. argumentation. 

Argumentation writing is also called persuasive writing. It appeals to reason, emotions, or ethics (sense of right and wrong). 


What is a ballpark number?

All ballpark number is an inexact estimate.


Where is the largest pyramid in the world?

Not Egypt, but Mexico 

Background: The pyramid of Cholula in the Mexican Federal State Puebla happens to be the largest pyramid in the world. Featuring a height of 66 meters, 400-meter base and a total volume of 4.5 million cubic meters the pyramid is significantly larger than the pyramid of Giza, even though it is less popular.


Which sentence is written in an active voice?  

A. Management executed the control. 

B. The control was executed by management. 

A. Management executed the control.


Fill in the blank: Earth's resources are limited. Environmentalist fear the planet cannot ___ current rats of consumption much longer. 

A. procure

B. sustain

C. procure

D. redeem

C. sustain


This type of writing tells a story. 

A. description

B. exposition

C. argumentation

D. narrative

D. narrative. 

Narrative is storytelling whether that story is fact or fiction. 


What does it mean to go the extra mile? 

To "go the extra mile" means to do more than what people expect. 

Ex: We go the extra mile for our customers. If someone is dissatisfied with a purchase, we refund their money and offer them a discount on their next purchase.


Which country has the largest population of vegetarians?


Background: It’s estimated that between 15% and 30% of India’s population follow a strict vegetarian diet, while many others will only consume fish and no land animals.


Question: Which of the following is correct? 

A. Anne whose research on health effects of air pollution was well-known was invited to speak at a conference.

B. Anne, whose research on health effects of air pollution was well-known, was invited to speak at a conference.

C. Anne which research on health effects of air pollution was well-known was invited to speak at a conference.

B. Anne, whose research on health effects of air pollution was well-known, was invited to speak at a conference.


Fill in the blank: That mobile phone company is ___ for having the worst customer service.

A. trustworthy

B. acclaimed

C. notorious

D. forbidden

C. notorious


This type of writing uses the five senses to give specific details to the reader. 

A. description

B. exposition

C. argumentation

D. narrative

A. description

Description can be used by itself, but many times it is found in other  three types of writing. Description uses details attained from the five senses to give the reader a "word picture" of a setting, an object, a person, or what ever it is that is being described. 


What does "word of mouth" mean?

if information spreads by "word of mouth," people hear about it through informal conversation. 

Ex: A lot of associates received information regarding the return back to home office by word of mouth. 


How many rooms are there in the Forbidden City in China?

8,886 rooms.

Background: The Forbidden City was constructed from 1406 to 1420, and was the former Chinese imperial palace and winter residence of the Emperor of China from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty, between 1420 and 1924.

The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987. The complex consists of 980 buildings, encompassing 8,886 rooms and covering 720,000 square meters (72 hectares)/178 acres. 


The professor asked Anne and myself to do a peer review of each other's writing. 


A. This sentence is correct

B. "each other's" should be replaced with "one another's"

C. Pronoun "myself" should be replaced with "me"

C. Pronoun "myself" should be replaced with "me"


Fill in the blank: Lenka's trip to the U.S. happened to ___ with an American holiday, so the airports were busy. 

A. mingle

B. ponder

C. coincide

D. maneuver

C. coincide


What is the Walmart Associate Brand Center and where can you find it?

Branding guide resource that articulates best practices to help maintain consistency when writing Walmart messaging (e.g., sentence casing, punctuation, numbers). You can access it through One.Walmart.


What does "read between the lines" mean?

To "read between the lines" means to understand something that isn't communicated directly. Reading between the lines involves understanding what someone is implying or suggesting but not saying directly.


How far is the Easter Island from mainland Chile?

A. 35 Kilometers

B. 350 Kilometers

C. 3,510 Kilometers

D. 35,510 Kilometers

3,510 Kilometers. 

Background: Easter Island has been part of Chile since September 9th, 1888. However, it’s not anywhere close to Mainland Chile. In reality, Easter Island lies 3,510 kilometers (2,180 miles) west of continental Chile at its nearest point. This distance means that direct flights from Santiago to the Mataveri International Airport take about 5.5 hours. Therefore, you can’t exactly take a day trip to the island from Santiago. As many of Chile’s tourist attractions are very spread out from one another, like Easter Island, Torres del Paine National Park, and the Atacama Desert, it’s important to keep this in mind when planning your vacation.