Krashen's Models In Action
Who Am I?
Programs for ELLs
Aspects of Teaching and Learning
We Watched & Learned
Language is acquired in an order in which some aspects are picked up earlier than others, regardless of the language.
What is the Natural Order Hypothesis
I developed 5 Hypotheses on language acquisition, focusing on input, based on the work of Noam Chomsky.
Who Is Krashen?
ESL program in which ELLs are pulled out of their mainstream classes to learn basic vocabulary and grammar.
What is PullOut Traditional Instruction
A way to teach in which the teacher directly tells students how or what to do
What is Direct Instruction
This teacher works to create a community in the classroom, and recognize every student.
Who is Isabella Yurkovetsky
There are two ways to get a new language, one in which we acquire a new language subconsciously and the other in which we are taught explicit aspects of the language.
What is The Acquisition/Learning Hypothesis
He believed that many of the rules of language are innate and children are born with them
Who is Noam Chomsky
ESL program in which students are pulled out of mainstream classes to receive additional help with specific content material
What is Pullout Content Instruction
A strategy that Julia used when she was unsure of the correct word, so she explained that she needed to get the "thing that you use to write with"
What is Paraphrasing (or use a paraphrase)
Judit Moschkovich says that in mathematics instruction needs to focus on _________ _________ rather than on vocabulary.
What is mathematical practices
The only way that people can acquire a new language is through receiving oral or written messages that they understand.
What is The Input Hypothesis
He believed that acquiring a new language is part of the acculturation process, and involves motivation, attitude and culture shock.
Who is Schumann
A program in which ELLs receive a portion of their content instruction in primary language for 2-3 years, and then are placed into all English instruction.
What is Early Exit or Transitional Bilingual Education
A method of providing assistance by asking questions, probing, answering questions, and pointing out various aspects of a problem
What is Scaffolding
He is an English teacher and a poet, who expresses himself and talks about his students through spoken word.
Who is Joaquin Zihuatanejo
Janet is so focused on using the correct grammar and sentence structure in her second language that she struggles to fully articulate her ideas.
What is The Monitor Hypothesis
She believes that the ability to acquire new language depends on output as well as input.
Who is Swain
A program in which ELLs and native speakers of English learn language through content in both English and the first language of the ELLs
What is Bilingual Dual Language Education
The knowledge of a language that allows us to receive and give information, including the sounds of a language, the structure of the words and the order of words that convey meaning.
What is Grammatical Competence
Aida Walqui tells us that "Language is __________ ". It is impossible to separate the language from what we are doing.
What is Action?
Joy was so anxious about understanding the material presented in class that she was unable to concentrate and could not grasp the concepts.
What is The Affective Filter Hypothesis
He developed the interaction hypothesis, theorizing that language acquisition occurs as learners interact with others
Who is Long
A "program" in which ELLs are taught in mainstream classes with native speakers and given no special services.
What are English Immersion programs
The ability to know the norms of speaking and functioning effectively in a variety of social settings (what to say, to whom, and when).
What is Communicative Competence?
He talked to us about the misconceptions people have about immigrants, and the importance of understanding that actions are illegal, not people.
Who is Jose Vargas.