The value of 𝝿 (pi).
What is 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 ... ?
The Height from Ground to Tip of the Eiffel Tower.
What is 330 meters?
The maximum number of characters you can use in a message in Twitter / X.
What is 280 characters?
Red Nose Day
When is 21st Mar 2025?
The day when people across the land join forces to raise money for brilliant causes in the UK and around the world, by having a good laugh!
5 x 2 + 4
What is 14?
The Scoville Heat Units of the Carolina Reaper.
What is between 1,500,000 and 2,200,000 Scoville Heat Units?
The Day, Month and Year Queen Elizabeth II Died.
When is the 8th of September 2022?
The amount of Pokemons in Pokemon, not including advanced evolutions and regional variants.
What is 1,025 total Pokémon?
The number of layers there are in a Tree Trunk
What is 5 layers?
The Population of Croatia as of January 27th 2025.
What is 3,859,565?
The amount of letters in the longest word in the English Dictionary.
What is 45 letters?
Chinese New Year
(+300 for the Animal / Zodiac)
When is 29th January?
The New Year according to the Chinese Calendar. In 2025 we welcome the Year of the Snake. The event is celebrated all around the world.
What is 45?
The calories that a glass of water (200g) contains.
What is 0 calories?
The Day, Month and Year WW1 Started.
When is the 28th of June 1914?
The number of Lando Norris And Carlos Sainz Combined.
What is 59? (4 + 55)
The Atomic Number of Xenon (Xe)
What is 54?
The Deepness of the Mariana Trench, the Deepest Ocean of the World.
What is 10,984 meters?
The Hype Train Record on Twitch, as of January 28th 2025.
What is Level 111, 55%?
By Neuro-Sama, on January 1st 2025.
International Day of Women & Girls in Science
When is 11th February?
A UN Day to encourage women and girls to fully participate in science, and strive for equality of opportunity in the sciences.
(7 + 5) - (3 x 2) + 4
What is 10?
The year the Ketchup recipe was published for the first time.
What is the year 1812?
The Day, Month and Year William Shakespeare was Born.
When is the 23rd of April 1564 ?
The Day, Month and Year this Video-game Director was born. Or
The age of this Video-game Director (You can't get an exact answer with age only).
As of January 29th 2025.
(+150 for the Director's First & Last Name)
What is 16th of November 1952?
What is 72 Years old?
(Shigeru Miyamoto)
The average gestation period for African elephants.
What is 22 months?
The Population of The United States as of January 27th 2025.
What is 346,495,616?
The year Captain America takes place.
What is 1942?
International Coffee Day
When is 1st October?
This is an international celebration of coffee, organised by the International Coffee Organisation, the world trade body for coffee producers. So drink a coffee to give you a good start to the month!
99/3 x 12/4
What is 99?
The Calories a Medium (118g) Banana contains.
What is 105 calories?
The Day, Month and Year the first car was invented.
When is January 29th, 1886?
By Carl Benz.
The Pokédex Number of Vivillon.
What is number 666th in the Pokédex?
The Atomic Number of Tennessine (Ts)
What is 117?
The amount that 38,729.60 Japanese Yen gets you in the UK Pounds, £.
What is £200?
The amount of Subscribers UR · Cristiano (Cristiano Ronaldo) has, as of January 21st 2025.
What is 73,325,991 subscribers?
World Kindness Day
When is 13th November?
A day to celebrate and promote kindness in all its forms, and to appreciate the positive benefits of kindness to health, overall wellbeing, community, nature and the environment.
33 + 44
What is 283?
The amount of prawns in a 'dezoito mil trezentos e noventa e cinco' prawn package.
What is 18395?
The Day, Month and Year Isaac Newton was Born.
When is the 4th of January 1643?
The Pokédex Number of Victini.
What is number 494th in the Pokédex?
The total distance from the crust to the core of the earth.
What is 6378 km?
The Length of the Great Wall of China.
What is 21,196,000 meters?
The Day, Month and Year this Actor was born. Or
The age of this actor (You can't get an exact answer with age only).
As of January 29th 2025.
(+300 for the Actor's First & Last Name)
What is 14th of May 1993? or
What 31 years old?
(Miranda Cosgrove)
Red Squirrel Appreciation Day
When is 21st January?
Red squirrels are native to the UK, but are under threat from invasive grey squirrels. Across the UK as a whole red squirrel numbers are declining and many conservation projects are monitoring and trying to reverse this decline.
(22+32) / (3167-3158)
What is 6?
The longest recorded Spaghetti (In meters).
What is 3,776 meters?
Achieved by LAWSON INC. (Japan) at Time 24 Building, Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo , Japan, on 20 October 2010. The whole pasta was cooked.
The Day, Month and Year the first Locomotive was invented.
When is February 21st, 1804?
British mining engineer, inventor and explorer Richard Trevithick debuted the first full-scale working railway steam locomotive in the Welsh mining town of Merthyr Tydfil.
The Number of the residence in Park Avenue, where Anya Forger lives, with her adoptive parents, in SPY x ANYA: Operation Memories.
What 128 Park Avenue?
(Which yes, it is the same as in the Anime, Andrew)
The Atomic Mass of Radium (Ra)
What is 226u?
The Population of Tunisia as of January 27th 2025.
What is 12,318,417?
The age of the oldest cat, that had 38 Cat years, in Human Years.
What is 168 Human Years?
Read a Book Day
When is 6th September?
This one is easy, just put your feet up and curl up with a book today. Reading is a fantastic way to stimulate the mind and it can also slow down the mental effects of age and dementia.
What is 720?
The Calories that 100g of Cheddar, Cheese contains.
What is 402 calories?
The Day, Month and Year the French Revolution Started.
When is the 5th of May 1789?
The Day, Month and Year this Actor was born. Or
The age of this actor (You can't get an exact answer with age only).
As of January 30th 2025.
(+150 for the Character Voiced in a Nintendo Movie)
(+300 for the Actor's First & Last Name)
What is 16th April 1996?
What is 28 years old?
(Anya Taylor-Joy, voiced Peach in the Mario Movie.)
The Mass of Mars
What is 6.39 × 1023 kg? or
639000000000000000000000 kg
The Mass of Earth
What is 5.972 × 1024 kg? or
5872000000000000000000000 kg
The Day, Month and Year this Actor was born. Or
The age of this actor (You can't get an exact answer with age only).
As of January 29th 2025.
(+300 for the Actor's First & Last Name)
What is 12th of October 1968? or
What is 56 years old?
(Hugh Jackman)
World Giraffe Day
When is 21st June?
Annual event to raise support, create awareness and shed light on the challenges giraffes and Oliver face in the wild.
((800/4)+(300x6)) / ((4!-3!)x(2800/400)-(319-197))
What is 500?
The Boiling Point of Iron (Fe) in Degree Celsius.
What is 2861°C?
The Day, Month and Year Henry VIII died.
When is the 28th of January 1547?
The World Record (On Console) in the "All Gold Medals" category in "Cooking Mama 2: Dinner With Friends".
What is 4 Hours, 58 Minutes and 54s?