Program Details

What is the temp change a cm can expect during a cycling event?

An average home can generally expect a 1 degree increase per hour during a cycling event.


When asking a cm how many AC/EHP units they have and they become confused by this, what probing can be done to help them determine this?

How many units do you have sitting outside next to your home?


How can you help a cm determine where their air handler is located?

Explain it’s typically in an attic, crawl space, basement or closet and where they would change the filter.


If a cm is a renter what needs to be determined before the program can be presented to them?

If they live in a single-family home or an apartment.


AC only, cm has dogs with no access to the outside unit, how should you proceed?

Do not schedule appt then enter an SR about cm enrolling in AC only has dog w/ no access to outside unit.


What should you go over with your cm at the end of every enrollment?

Program recap.


Probing for EHP, cm is unsure if they heat with electricity, what other question can we ask to help the cm determine if they do or not?

Do you heat with gas, propane or fuel oil?


Cm responds to the homeowner question saying, “I’m buying.” Is this an acceptable answer to determine whether the cm is the homeowner?

No, you must always probe further when a cm responds to the homeowner question this way by asking if they are referring to a mortgage or some type of rent to own.


If a cm is a renter but lives in an apartment, what should be asked of them before the program can be presented?

Do you have your own heating and cooling unit that supplies only your apartment or is it shared with others?


Cm has 2 units, but only wants the device installed onto 1 of them. Can we do this?

No if a cm has multiple units they need to have all of them enrolled into the program in order to participate.


Name on record is Jeffery Johnson, the cm answers the call “This is Jeff.” Do you still need to ask for Jeffery Johnson when opening the call?

Yes, you must always confirm who you are speaking with as you can only speak with the person whose name is listed on the record or if they’re listed as the secondary name on the record


Cm says they have an all-in-one unit outside. Does this indicate the cm has a package unit?

No further probing is needed to determine if it’s a package unit by asking about air handler location being on the inside or outside of the cm’s home.


If cm is unable to answer any of the probing questions for EHP can you still offer the HS program?

No, you should offer AC only.


Cm is a renter with a dog that has access to the outside unit, should you schedule an appt for them?

No, an SR should be entered for follow-up on scheduling due to dog once TAF is received.


Cm wants the device installed onto their AC unit and not their house. What is the process?

Advise cm that a special request can be made for this, however if the tech is unable to install it onto their ac unit for whatever reason they will simply not be enrolled into the program. Then enter an SR for Install on AC Unit.


Cm asks if this is a money savings program that will help me with their bill, how should you respond?

Advising this has nothing to do with their bill as this will not affect their overall monthly rates or usage but they will receive the credit of $25/$50 every year they remain on the program.


Probing for EHP, cm is unsure how to answer the question about their unit outside providing both heating and cooling. What further probing can be asked to help the cm answer this question?

When turning your heat on in the winter do you hear the unit outside kicking on like you do in the summer?


Cm has 3 units hooked up to their home but mentions that one of them isn’t working quite right and it should probably be looked at. Can you still enroll the cm for their other 2 units?

No, since the cm confirmed all were hooked up to their home in order for them to qualify, they would need to have that one unit repaired and back in working condition first.


What is the shorthand version to direct a cm who is a renter to the TAF online?

Go to then select ac/heat strips and scroll down to the TAF form.


Cm would like the program explained to their spouse before making a decision to enroll, what should you do when they are put on the call.

Anytime a new person comes onto a call they must always be advised who you are, where you're calling from and that you're on a recorded line.


Halfway through an AC only sale it’s determined the cm also has an EHP, what should be done at this point of the call?

The HS portion of the program needs to be explained to ensure cm understands how that portion works and that they will receive the $50 credit instead of the $25 credit.


Cm mentions they have an HVAC system that uses water, what further probing is needed when they mention this?

Probe to determine if it’s it a geothermal unit. If cm says yes, they do not qualify for the program.


Cm mentions mini split, what questions can be asked to determine if cm has a mini split or regular HVAC unit?

Is your heating and cooling centrally ducted coming through all the same vents in your home? Or do you have a unit that’s installed inside on the wall that blows the hot and cold air?


Cm explains they have no way to take down the TAF address to locate it online and requests the TAF to be emailed to them. Is this okay?

Yes if the cm requests this obtain their email address and include this request in the SR.


Once you’ve completed your enrollment and the cm is off the call, what should you always do before logging the call?

Double check that all required fields are filled in with all required data and if SR needed, that is was entered properly to avoid any data entry errors.